Home T* makes for a poor optional<T&>

T* makes for a poor optional<T&>

Whenever the idea of an optional reference comes up, inevitably somebody will bring up the point that we don’t need to support optional<T&> because we already have in the language a perfectly good optional reference: T*.

And these two types are superficially quite similar, which makes the argument facially reasonable. Indeed, optional<T&> would certainly be implemented to have this shape:

template <> struct optional<T&> {
    T* storage = nullptr;

    explicit constexpr operator bool() const { return storage; }
    constexpr auto operator*() const -> T& { return *storage; }
    constexpr auto operator->() const -> T* { return storage; }

Not only do T* and optional<T&> have the same representation, but they even have the same meaning for their contextual conversion to bool, their dereference operator, and their arrow operator.

The purpose of this post is to point out that, despite these similarities, T* is simply not a solution for optional<T&>. There are several reasons for this, but I’ll start with what is overwhelmingly the strongest.

optional<U> just works, even for U=T&

Let’s say you want to write an algorithm that given any range returns the first element in it (the point here isn’t specific to Ranges, but Ranges does make for good, familiar examples). If we have a precondition that the range is not empty, we could write that algorithm this way:

template <ranges::range R>
constexpr auto front(R&& r) -> ranges::range_reference_t<R> {
    return *ranges::begin(r);

Now, despite the name, the reference type of a range need not actually be a language reference. If I passed in a vector<int>, I’d get back an int& that refers to the first element. But if I passed in something like views::iota(0, 10), I’d get back an int (not a reference) with value 0.

Let’s say instead of having a precondition that the range is non-empty, I want to handle that case too. I want to write a total function instead of a partial function. The best way to do that is either return some value (if I can) or no value (if I can’t). That’s an optional, that’s what it’s for: to handle returning something or nothing.

The way to spell that is:

template <ranges::range R>
constexpr auto try_front(R&& r)
    -> optional<ranges::range_reference_t<R>>
    auto first = ranges::begin(r);
    auto last  = ranges::end(r);
    if (first != last) {
        return *first;
    } else {
        return nullopt;

This would return an optional<int> for the views::iota case, which is fine. But it would try to return an optional<int&> for the vector<int> case, because the reference type is int& there. This doesn’t work with std::optional.

Now, the argument goes that we don’t need optional<int&> to exist because we have int*. So let’s try to metaprogram our way out of this box:

template <typename T>
using workaround = conditional_t<
    add_pointer_t<T>, // add_pointer_t<int&> is int*

template <ranges::range R>
constexpr auto try_front(R&& r)
    -> workaround<ranges::range_reference_t<R>>
    auto first = ranges::begin(r);
    auto last  = ranges::end(r);
    if (first != last) {
        return *first;
    } else {
        return {};

Does this work? No, it doesn’t.

First of all there’s the issue that it’s possible that even spelling optional<int&> is ill-formed (which I think it is allowed for the implementation to do). So the actual implementation of workaround<T> would need to be more complex, but let’s just ignore that part.

The reason that this doesn’t work is that int* actually has many significantly different semantics from optional<int&>, and one of those importantly different semantics is: construction. An optional<int&> would be constructible from an lvalue of type int, but an int* is not – pointers require explicit construction syntax, while references have implicit construction syntax.

In order to return an int* for the vector<int> case, I can’t do *begin(v), I have to do &*begin(v). But I can’t do that for the views::iota cause, because there dereferencing the iterator gives me a prvalue. There I do have to do *begin(v).

Which means the real implementation would have to look more like:

template <typename T>
using workaround = mp_eval_if_c<
    optional, T>;

template <ranges::range R>
constexpr auto try_front(R&& r)
    -> workaround<ranges::range_reference_t<R>>
    auto first = ranges::begin(r);
    auto last  = ranges::end(r);
    if (first != last) {
        if constexpr (std::is_reference_v<ranges::reference_t<R>>) {
            return &*first;
        } else {
            return *first;
    } else {
        return {};

This is already, I think, really quite bad.

Now let’s try to use it! If I want to grab the first element in a range or provide a default value to handle the empty case (which is a very common thing to want to do, think about how many times you’ve probably done this in the case of map lookup where you have it == m.end() ? something : it->second), I might try to write:

int value = try_front(r).value_or(-1);

And that works. For the views::iota case anyway, since try_front(views::iota(~)) will give me an optional.

But passing in a vector<int> here won’t compile, because we made that case return an int* instead of an optional and there is no value_or member on a pointer (or, indeed, any other kind of member either). We’d need to provide another workaround here.

Which… we can. It’s not that hard to write a non-member value_or that works for both optional<T> and T*:

template <typename P, typename U>
constexpr auto value_or(P&& ptrish, U&& dflt) {
    return ptrish ? *FWD(ptrish) : FWD(dflt);

And now we can instead write:

int value = N::value_or(try_front(r), -1);

So far, we’ve made ourselves have a worse implementation of try_front() in order to return T*, which in turn led to a worse implementation of the usage of try_front to handle the T* case. At this point you might bring up something like the pipeline operator (|>, which would allow try_front(r) |> N::value_or(-1), which at least has the same shape of the desired expression) or unified function call syntax (which, if you pick the right version, at least lets you write try_front(r).N::value_or(-1), assuming a qualified call is supported there). But we still have the issue where we have to write our own value_or() which has to handle both optional<T> and T*.

Let’s look at a different example. In my CppNow 2021 talk and again in my recent CPPP 2021 talk (video pending), I demonstrate what the Rust iterator model looks like if were to implement it in C++. In Rust, an Iterator is:

trait Iterator {
    type Item;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;

which in C++20 concepts would translate into something like:

template <typename I>
concept rust_iterator = requires (I i) {
    // for some reason in my talks, I stuck with the C++
    // naming of 'reference' here rather than instead
    // using the much better name 'item_type'
    typename I::item_type;
    { i.next() } -> same_as<optional<typename I::item_type>>;

And one of the examples that I show is how to implement a map iterator (what in C++20 we call views::transform), which looks like this:

template <rust_iterator I, regular_invocable<typename I::item_type> F>
struct map_iterator {
    I base;
    F func;

    using item_type = invoke_result_t<F&, typename I::item_type>;

    auto next() -> optional<item_type> {
        return base.next().map(func);

You can see this in action in Tristan Brindle’s flow library (the only difference there, outside of the names of things, is that his library has distinct treatment for infinite ranges). This, to me, is a really nice implementation that has a nice sort of symmetry: map for iterators is implemented in terms of map for optional.

Except of course, we don’t have optional<T&> - which is really important to have in this model. It’s not just important to avoid copying objects that you just want to iterate over, but semantically it could be critical that you refer to that T rather than simply some T. So we know already that we have to change our uses of optional<U> (both in the concept and in the implementation of map_iterator) to use workaround<U> instead. But just like T* didn’t have a value_or member function, it also does not like a map member function.

And so, again, we could write a workaround for that (where we again have to be careful about the different kinds of construction that we have to do):

template <typename P, typename F>
constexpr auto map(P&& ptrish, F f)
    using U = decltype(invoke(f, *FWD(ptrish)));
    using Ret = workaround<U>;

    if (ptrish) {
        if constexpr (is_reference_v<U>) {
            return &invoke(f, *FWD(ptrish));
        } else {
            return Ret(invoke(f, *FWD(ptrish)));
    } else {
        return Ret();

template <rust_iterator I, regular_invocable<I::item_type> F>
struct map_iterator {
    I base;
    F func;

    using item_type = invoke_result_t<F&, I::item_type>;

    auto next() -> workaround<item_type> {
        return map(base.next(), func);

Which is also, to me, quite bad.

At this point I’d like to take a brief aside.

vector<bool> is bad

You’ll often hear that the design decision of specializing vector<bool> was a bad decision. Indeed, I’ve never met anybody that has argued that it was a good decision. The reason that this is so universally considered a bad decision is that it means that vector<T> behaves the same way for all Texcept bool. Which makes this container (the most-used one by far) a little jarring.

Now, vector<bool> and vector<T> are not even that different. They have most of the same member functions (vector<bool> does not have data(), for instance), which mostly even do the same things - there are just a few small edge cases where you some things just don’t work.

For instance:

template <typename T>
void f(vector<T>& v) {
    for (auto& elem : v) {
        // use elem

That works for all T except bool, because range_reference_t<vector<T>> is T& for all T (and thus you can take an lvalue reference to it) except when T is bool, where it’s vector<bool>::reference, which is a proxy reference type. Since it’s a prvalue, you can’t bind a non-const lvalue reference to it. auto const& would have worked. auto&& would have worked. auto would have worked (but have slightly different meaning). Just not auto&.

This is why people don’t like vector<bool>. It’s not really a vector<T> because it behaves differently. Indeed, just this past week at work, we had to work around a vector<bool>-specific issue!

But they are still very very similar. They have the same kind of constructors, they have the same member functions, most of whom even have the same semantics. There are many aspects of C++ for which there is wide disagreement in the community about what is good, but people are pretty uniform in the view that vector<bool> should not have been a specialization (and that, seprately, a dynamic_bitset would have been useful - and probably much better at being a dynamic bitset than vector<bool> is anyway).

For more, see Howard Hinnant’s On vector<bool>.

… which makes T* an even worse optional<T&>

If we all agree that vector<bool> is bad because of several subtle differences with vector<T>, then surely we should all agree that T* is a bad optional<T&> because it has several very large and completely unavoidable differences with optional<T>.


  • it is spelled differently from optional<T> (trivially: it is spelled T*)
  • it is differently constructible from optional<T> (you need to write &e in one case and e in the other)
  • it has a different set of supported operations from optional<T>

The first of these is what required me to use workaround<U> instead of simply optional<U>, and the second required the ugly if constexprs in order to be able to construct a workaround<U> in every context that one is being constructed.

The last of these I touched on a bit, but it’s worth elaborating on. As I noted at the very beginning of the post, there are operations in common between optional<T&> and T*… but there are even more operations that only apply to one or the other:

Venn Diagram

All the operations in the purple circle are highly relevant and useful to this problem. We want to have an optional reference, so it is useful to have the chaining operations that give us a different kind of optional, or to provide a default value, or to emplace or reset, or even to have a throwing accessor.

All the operations in the orange circle are highly irrelevant to this problem and would be completely wrong to use. They are bugs waiting to happen. We don’t have an array, so none of the indexing operations are valid. And we don’t have an owning pointer, so neither delete nor delete [] are valid. Nevertheless, these operations will actually compile – even though they are all undefined behavior.

You’ll note that I wrote “pattern matching” in both circles, differently, rather than putting them together in the combined set. That’s not an oversight. Both P1371 and Herb’s P2392 support matching both optional<U> and T*, but both papers (despite their many differences) recognize these types as having different semantics and match them differently:

  • an optional<U> matches against U or nullopt, because that’s what it represents precisely.
  • a T* doesn’t match against a T, rather it matches polymorphically. A Shape* could match against a Circle* or a Square*, but not against a Shape.

We don’t have pattern matching in C++ yet, and we still won’t in C++23. But eventually we will, and when we do, we’ll want to be able to match on whether our optional reference actually contains a reference, or not. We do not need to match whether we’re… holding a derived type or not. This is yet another operation that a T* won’t do for us.

All in all, there is a much, much larger difference between optional<T&> and T* than there is between vector<bool> and vector<almost_bool>. And in every instance of this difference, optional<T&> is far more suited to the problem of dealing with an optional reference than T* is. T* is simply a very poor substitute.

This is true even if you know for sure you’re dealing with an optional reference, in a non-generic context that doesn’t need to try to select between T* and optional<U>. If you know for sure you need an optional reference, you want to return the implementation of optional reference that provides the most useful operations to the user and the one that provides the least pitfalls. That is, unequivocally, optional<T&>.

What about optional_ref<T>?

The problem with T* as an optional reference is that it has such different semantics from optional<T> that basically every use of it requires a workaround. But what if we instead wrote a new type, dedicated to this problem: optional_ref<T>. Suppose optional_ref<T> were always an optional reference (it has a member T*, etc.), that is constructible the same way as optional<T> (from an lvalue of type T), and has all the same member functions.

Would we still need optional<T&> if we had optional_ref<T>?


A hypothetical optional_ref<T> is a lot closer to solving the optional reference problem than T* is, but it still leaves a few things to be desired. First, as I pointed out with T*, it is spelled differently. This is obvious - its name is optional_ref<T> and not optional<T&>. The consequence of the different name is that you still need workaround<T> to exist - it’s just that instead of choosing between optional<T> and add_pointer_t<T>, it now chooses between optional<T> and optional_ref<remove_reference_t<T>>. Still awkward.

Second, this duplicates a lot of effort fon the part of algorithms. optional<T>’s map and value_or are the same as optional_ref<T>’s map and value_or, but both types need both algorithms.

Maybe you don’t care about how much work the implementer has to do for these types, but you probably do care about how much work you have to do on your end. And that leads into the third problem caused by the distinct spelling: how do you write an algorithm that takes some kind of optional and does something with it? If optional values and optional references were both spelled the same, you could write a non-member map like so:

template <typename T, typename F>
auto map(optional<T>, F) -> optional<invoke_result_t<F&, T&>>

Well, not exactly like that, because you probably don’t want to take optional values by value, but it’s kind of awkward in C++ to handle this particular kind of case (see P2481 for some musings). But if we had optional_ref<T>, you would have to write two of everything yourself:

template <typename T, typename F>
auto map(optional<T>, F)     -> workaround<invoke_result_t<F&, T&>>

template <typename T, typename F>
auto map(optional_ref<T>, F) -> workaround<invoke_result_t<F&, T&>>

Note that the return types are the same for both overloads, because of course they are.

And what did we gain from all of this duplication everywhere? It’s unclear to me that we gained anything at all. Sure, if you’re not used to the idea that optional<T> might be a reference type, it might seem superficially valuable to put that information in the name of the type itself. But it’s a really bad tradeoff in terms of all the rest of the usage. optional_ref<T> is a much better optional reference than T*, but it’s still a poor substitute.

In conclusion

The ability to have optional<T&> as a type, making optional a total metafunction, means that in algorithms where you want to return an optional value of some computed type U, you can just write optional<U> without having to worry about whether U happens to be a reference type or not. This makes such algorithms easy to write.

Without optional<T&>, we either have to reject reference types in such algorithms (as optional<T>::transform currently does) or workaround them by returning a T*. But T* has different construction semantics from optional<T> (so algorithms constructing such a thing have to have more workarounds) and it has a very different set of provided operations. In particular, all the operations provided by optional<T> but not by T* are useful in the context of having an optional reference, whereas all the operations provided by T* but not by optional<T> are completely wrong and are simply bugs waiting to happen.

T* seems like it basically is optional<T&>. After all, they have many properties in common, and the latter is certainly implemented in terms of the former. But T* makes for a very poor solution to the problem of wanting an optional reference. Even an optional_ref<T> that solves the problem of having all the right functionality and none of the wrong functionality still can’t quite offer everything that optional<T&> could.

optional<T&> is unequivocally the best optional reference.

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