Home Getting in trouble with mixed construction

Getting in trouble with mixed construction

Several years ago, I wrote a post about the complexities of implementing comparison operators for optional<T>: Getting in trouble with mixed comparisons. That post was all about how, even just for ==, making a few seemingly straightforward decisions leads to an ambiguity that different libraries handle differently.

Now is a good time to circle back to that same idea, except this time instead of talking about equality comparison, we’re just going to talk about construction. This post is going to work through a bunch of cases of trying to construct an object of type X from an object of type Y.

Optional<T> from T

Should Optional<T> be constructible from T? We need some way of engaging the optional, and this seems like a pretty straightforward, reasonable, and expected way to do so.

I should also note that Optional<T>’s default constructor should also exist and construct the optional in a disengaged state, but I don’t have much else to add on that particular topic.

Also for simplicitly, I”m just going to deal with copying today - so all the constructors are going to take const& parameters and check for copying.

template <typename T>
class Optional {

    Optional(T const& value)
        requires std::copy_constructible<T>;

Optional<T> from U

Should Optional<T> be constructible from U, if T is constructible from U? This would be allowing Optional<int> to be constructed from a long or Optional<string> to be constructed from a char const*.

Similar converting constructors exist for other tuples (e.g. tuple<int> is constructible from long), so it seems reasonable to allow this one as well.

That gets us to this state:

template <typename T>
class Optional {

    template <typename U = T>
        requires std::constructible_from<T, U const&>
    Optional(U const& value);

Defaulting the template parameter to T is one of those things that seems pointless, but is actually useful to support brace initialization. That syntax allows the following to work:

struct Point { int x; int y; };

Optional<Point> o({.x=1, .y=2});

Optional<T> from Optional<T>

Surely an Optional<int> should be copy constructible.

Optional<T> from Optional<U>

Should Optional<int> be constructible from Optional<long>? Should Optional<string> be constructible from Optional<char const*>?

For std::tuple, these conversions are all valid. And these conversions are all fairly straightforward to define - if the right-hand side is disengaged, we are constructed disengaged. Otherwise, we are constructed engaged from the right-hand side’s value. There’s no other possible meaning to this, so we might as well support it.

That gets us to:

template <typename T>
class Optional {

    // post: *this is engaged, with value v
    template <typename U = T>
        requires std::constructible_from<T, U const&>
    Optional(U const& v);

    // post: *this is engaged iff opt is engaged
    // if *this is engaged, then this->value() == opt.value()
    template <typename U>
        requires std::constructible_from<T, U const&>
    Optional(Optional<U> const& opt);

So far, so good. We’re adding some nice conversions to our Optional and making it usable. None of these decisions seems particularly controversial either.

Optional<Optional<T>> from Optional<T>

Given that Optional<T> should be constructible from T, that should still hold true when T happens to be some Optional<U>.

That is, this test should hold for all copy constructible types:

template <typename T>
void test(T const& x) {
    Optional<T> opt(x);
    REQUIRE(*opt == x);

But… that’s not what would actually happen in our implementation so far.


Optional<int> disengaged;
Optional<int> engaged(1);

Consider these constructions:

Optional<Optional<int>> from_disengaged(disengaged);
Optional<Optional<int>> from_engaged(engaged);

We have T=Optional<int>, and our two constructor options are:

  1. Optional(U const&) with U=Optional<int>. This is viable because T is constructible from U (that’s just copy construction).
  2. Optional(Optional<U> const&) with U=int. This is viable because T is constructible from U (that’s asking if Optional<int> is constructible from int).

Of these (2) is more specialized (Optional<U> vs U) so it’s the better match, and is what is preferred. As a result, what ends up happening is:

  • from_disengaged is a disengaged optional (because disengaged is, as the name suggests, disengaged).
  • from_engaged is an engaged optional containing the value Optional<int>(1).

That first result violates our test case - we expect that constructing an Optional<T> from a T always gives us an engaged optional, whose value is T – but here we got a disengaged optional instead.

This might seem like a fairly contrived situation, but we did run into this problem with my original implementation of Optional. Consider:

template <typename T>
struct Vector {
    auto size() const -> size_t;
    auto operator[](size_t) const -> T const&;

    auto try_at(int idx) const -> Optional<T const&> {
        if (idx >= size()) {
            return {};
        return (*this)[idx];

Pretty straightforward looking code. try_at either gives you a reference to the element at index idx or returns a disengaged optional if that index is out of bounds.

Except if we had Vector<Optional<V>>:

  • if the storage was disengaged, we’d get back a disengaged optional (instead of an engaged optional referring to that disengaged optional)
  • if the storage was engaged, we’d get back an engaged optional with a dangling reference

It’s worth explaining why a dangling reference. Here, we are trying to construct an Optional<Optional<V> const&> from an Optional<V> const&. In this case, we do not use the value constructor - recall that we’re using the optional converting constructor: constructing an Optional<T> (with T=Optional<V> const&) from Optional<U> (with U=V). That works, because Optional<V> is constructible from V.

But we’re specifically constructing an Optional<V> const&. That only works by first constructing a temporary Optional<V> and binding a reference to that. But then once we do so, that temporary is destroyed, and we’re left with a dangling reference.

This is why in our real implementation, we detected and rejected this conversion. So the whole thing didn’t compile (which is still worse than working, but at least it’s better than guaranteed undefined behavior). Thanks to Tim Song pursuing P2255 for C++23, the standard library has a type trait to reliably detect this case for any such future code.

It’s hard to say that this Vector::try_at implementation is wrong, so it’s important it work here too.

Optional<Optional<T>> from Optional<T>, take 2

So one of these two constructors is wrong. Which one?

The approach the standard library takes, which you can see in [optional.ctor] is this:

template <typename T, typename W>
constexpr bool converts_from_any_cvref =
  disjunction_v<is_constructible<T, W&>, is_convertible<W&, T>,
                is_constructible<T, W>, is_convertible<W, T>,
                is_constructible<T, const W&>, is_convertible<const W&, T>,
                is_constructible<T, const W>, is_convertible<const W, T>>;

template <typename T>
class Optional {

    // post: *this is engaged, with value value
    template <typename U = T>
        requires std::constructible_from<T, U const&>
    Optional(U const& value);

    // post: *this is engaged iff opt is engaged
    // if *this is engaged, then this->value() == *opt
    template <typename U>
        requires std::constructible_from<T, U const&>
             and (not converts_from_any_cvref<T, Optional<U>>)
    Optional(Optional<U> const& opt);

In short, the Optional<T> from Optional<U> constructor is only considered if T is not constructible from any kind of Optional<U> (the constraint checks for all of W, W&, W const, and W const&).

If we re-consider this example:

Optional<int> disengaged;
Optional<int> engaged(1);
Optional<Optional<int>> from_disengaged(disengaged);
Optional<Optional<int>> from_engaged(engaged);

Now, neither the from_disengaged nor from_engaged constructors consider the Optional<U> construction - because there T (which is Optional<int>) is constructible from Optional<U> (which is also Optional<int>), so the value constructor is preferred to the converting optional constructor. And our test case passes.

The Vector<T>::try_at example also now works correctly, even when T=Optional<U>.

So we’re all good right? Ship it.

Optional<bool> from Optional<int>

Now consider this example:

auto src = Optional<int>(0);
auto dst = Optional<bool>(src);

What is dst? You might expect this to be an example of constructing an Optional<T> from an Optional<U>, with T=bool and U=int – and thus that dst is engaged (because src is engaged) with value false (which is 0 converted to bool).

But that’s not what happens. Instead, dst is engaged with value true:, as you can see here.


Let’s go through our constructors again:

  • Optional(U const&) with U=Optional<int>. This is viable because bool is, in fact, constructible from Optional<int> (because Optional<T> has an explicit operator bool() const for use in checking)
  • Optional(Optional<U> const&) with U=int. This is initially viable because bool is constructible from int, but then we discard it because of the previous fix giving preference to the first constructor.

Pretty surprising outcome to most people, I would expect.

More generally, constructing an Optional<bool>, o, from an Optional<T>, s behaves as follows:

  • if T is bool, this does copy construction. If s is disengaged, then o is also.
  • Otherwise, if s is engaged (regardless of its value), then o is Optional<bool>(true).
  • Otherwise, o is Optional<bool>(false).

That is, constructing an Optional<bool> from an Optional<T> for non-bool T always gives you an engaged optional.

expected<bool, E1> from expected<bool, E2>

C++23 is shipping with std::expected<T, E>, a useful error handling type. The construction rules for std::expected<T, E> are basically the same as those from std::optional<T> (except adjusted where appropriate since now we have two types).

And so there, we have the exact same problem, which is now LWG 3836:

struct BaseError{};
struct DerivedError : BaseError{};

// e1 is a value equal to 5
auto e1 = std::expected<int, DerivedError>(5);

// e2 is a value equal to 5
auto e2 = std::expected<int, BaseError>(e1);

// e3 is a value equal to false
auto e3 = std::expected<bool, DerivedError>(false);

// e4 is a value equal to true???
auto e4 = std::expected<bool, BaseError>(e3);

This is the same problem: we can construct from a U (value constructor) or an expected<U, F> (converting constructor), but we only consider the converting constructor if the value constructor isn’t viable - and here it is, because std::expected<T, E> (like std::optional<T>) is convertible to bool.

The Boost approach

In my previous post on comparisons, I’d noted that boost::optional and std::optional have different behavior for the comparisons. Likewise, they also have different behavior for construction.

boost::optional<T>’s constructors look like this:

namespace boost {

template <typename T>
class optional {
    optional(T const&) requires std::copy_constructible<T>;

    template <typename U>
        requires std::constructible_from<T, U const&>
    explicit optional(optional<U> const&);


Note that the value constructor is just from T, not U.

The consequence of this design is that:

  • constructing an optional<optional<int>> from an optional<int> prefers the first constructor. Originally, the logic I showed preferred the second because it was a more specialized function template than the first. But now, the first isn’t a template, so it’s preferred over the template in this case. Thus, we do the right thing (without having to add the extra constraint).
  • constructing an optional<bool> from an optional<int> now prefers the second constructor - this is because the first isn’t even viable. optional’s conversion to bool is explicit, so it wouldn’t be considered in this context. Thus, we do the right thing here too: we use the optional converting constructor, rather than the value constructor.

But also:

  • char const* isn’t convertible to optional<string> since there aren’t any valid constructors.

You can explore the differences here.

The Ambiguity

The fundamental issue here is that there’s an ambiguity in constructing an Optional<T> from an Optional<U>, since there’s two ways to interpret this construction:

  • it’s the value constructor: trying to construct an engaged optional, and the value we’re constructing from simply happens to itself be an Optional
  • it’s the optional converting constructor: constructing a disengaged optional if the right-hand side is disengaged, otherwise constructing a value from the right-hand side’s value.

But the syntax here is the same either way - Optional<T>(src) - so the library has to do its best to try to do The Right Thing with no help. The standard library does this one way (which gets it right most of the time, except for bool) and Boost does it another way (which seems to get it right all the time, but has less functionality).

Is there another way to do it?

The bool exception

We could treat bool as special - on the basis that std::optional<T> and std::expected<T, E> are always (explicitly) convertible to bool, regardless of T and E.

That is, something like this:

template <typename T>
struct Optional {
    template <typename U>
        requires std::constructible_from<T, U const&>
    Optional(U const&);

    template <typename U>
        requires std::constructible_from<T, U const&>
             and (not std::constructible_from<T, Optional<U> const&>
                  or std::same_as<T, bool>)
    Optional(Optional<U> const&);

Now, constructing Optional<bool> from Optional<int> would consider the second constructor, which now becomes the better match on the basis of being more specialized.

This would solve the problem for bool, but while bool is special (in that Optional is specifically convertible to it), there are other types that would continue to behave weirdly.

Like Optional<std::any>.

The explicit approach

Here’s a different approach. Optional has continuation (aka monadic) functions now, so it’s straightforward to convert an Optional<T> to an Optional<U> if so desired:

auto src = Optional<T>(/* ... */);

// with converting constructor
auto dst1 = Optional<U>(src);

// with map
auto dst2 = src.map(static_cast_<U>);

Now, with std::optional<T> this is actually spelled transform and there’s no function object in the standard library that does static_cast<T> (which is both unfortunate as it’s a useful object to have lying around, and also because it’d be especially nice if it could just be spelled static_cast<T> rather than std::static_cast_<T> or something to that effect).

We could then use this design for constructors:

template <typename T>
struct Optional {
    Optional(T const&) requires std::copy_constructible<T>;

    template <typename U>
        requires std::constructible_from<T, U const&>
    Optional(U const&);

    Optional(Optional const&) = default;

This handles the Optional<Optional<T>> from Optional<T> problem by there simply only being one candidate: the value constructor, which is the desired constructor to use.

But… this still has the Optional<bool> from Optional<int> problem because we deduce U=Optional<int> and bool is constructible from that, so Optional<bool>(Optional<int>(0)) would give us Optional<bool>(true).

The explicit approach, take 2

Since providing any kind of converting constructor is out, so let’s provide none of them:

template <typename T>
struct Optional {
    Optional(T const&) requires std::copy_constructible<T>;

    Optional(Optional const&) = default;

Here we don’t have any of the wrong behavior (since Optional<bool> isn’t even constructible from Optional<int>, and constructing an Optional<Optional<int>> from Optional<int> only has one way of getting there).

But we’re also missing some of the good behavior. You can still convert one Optional to another via map, but converting via value has to be explicit (or explicit):

Optional<std::string> a = "hello";              // error
Optional<std::string> b("hello");               // ok
Optional<std::string> c = std::string("hello"); // ok

Another approach here would be to make the value construction even more explicit while also allowing implicit conversions. We can do that using this pattern:

template <typename T>
struct Some {
    T value;

template <typename T>
struct Optional {
    template <typename U>
        requires std::constructible_from<T, U const&>
    Optional(Some<U> const&);

    Optional(Optional const&) = default;

Here, we simply require the user to be quite clear in what they’re doing:

Optional<int> a = 42;                     // error
Optional<int> b{42};                      // still error
Optional<int> c = Some(42);               // ok
Optional<std::string>> d = Some("hello"); // ok

That is, we avoid the ambiguity by having the two syntaxes simply be different. If I want to construct an engaged Optional<T> from a T or a U, that looks like this:

Optional<T> from_value = Some(value);

And if I want to convert an Optional<U> to an Optional<T>, that looks like this:

Optional<T> convert_opt = opt.map(static_cast_<T>);

Although, as the section heading suggests, this is more explicit - which means it requires more syntax. Today, both of those constructs are simply:

auto from_value = Optional<T>(value);
auto convert_opt = Optional<T>(opt);


Implementing the constructors for Optional<T> seems like a fairly simple problem, but once you make a few seemingly straightforward choices to improve ergonomics (allowing construction from T, U, and Optional<U>), you run into ambiguity issues that could lead to surprising and unexpected behavior.

The only real way to reduce the surprise is to prune back the ergonomics and require the user to be more explicit in expressing their intent. Then again, was it really ergonomic if it gave you the wrong answer?

Currently the bool construction issue exists in both std::optional and std::expected. There’s an open library issue (LWG 3836) for the std::expected one specifically, but given that it has the same behavior as std::optional, it would be hard to change. Any change to std::optional at this point would certainly break code, and having std::expected behave consistently with std::optional seems like the right place to be.

At Jump, when I first implemented Optional, I had originally (for reasons I do not recall) attempted a different ruleset to attempt to distinguish which way we were constructing our Optional<T> from an Optional<U>:

  • Optional<T> is constructible from U when U is not some Optional and T is constructible from U
  • Optional<T> is constructible from Optional<U> when T is constructible from U

That is, constructing from Optional<U> always was treated as a converting optional construction and never a value construction. This is one way of avoiding the Optional<bool> constructin problem, but it also violated the principle that constructing an Optional<T> from a T always gives you an engaged Optional whose value is T.

As with all generic choices like this - it worked fine until it suddenly didn’t, and we ran into problems with something like the Vector example earlier. So now Jump’s Optional does the same thing that the standard library’s does (at least in this particular instance). Which means that while constructing an Optional<Optional<T>> from an Optional<T> always works and does the right thing, we have the Optional<bool> from Optional<T> problem.

Optional<bool> isn’t a very common type, and it’s an annoyingly inefficient one at that (at least until P2641 gets adopted), so it seems like it’s really not that big of a deal – better to get the ergonomics for all the other situations (converting value and converting optional).

But when you have enough users, somebody will eventually run into it. And when they do run into it, it’s not an easy bug to track down (although it is very easy to fix).

Completely incidentally, somebody ran into that problem with our implementation recently.

In this case, it seems like there are four possible choices to make:

  1. the standard implementation: gets Optional<bool> from Optional<T> wrong, but everything else right, and supports all the ergonomic conversions
  2. the bool exception implementation: gets Optional<bool> from Optional<T> right, but still gets Optional<any> from Optional<T> wrong. Still supports all the ergonomic conversions.
  3. the boost implementation: gets everything right, supports constructing Optional<T> from Optional<U> but not Optional<T> from U.
  4. the explicit implementation: gets everything right, requires constructing from Some

(1) is unfortunately broken (albeit rarely), (2) feels like a hack, (3) will break some code, (4) will break a lot of code but is the most obviously correct by construction.

It’s hard to know what the correct choice is. If existing code weren’t a concern though, (4) does seem attractive. After all, if we had language variants, that’s what we’d do.

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