Home Counting in Iteration Models

Counting in Iteration Models

There’s a really interesting issue pointed out in the July 2021 mailing by way of P2406R0.

Basically, in C++, the iterator loop structure ordering is as follows (I wrote it with a goto to make the ordering more obvious. Note that in C++, we start with the it != end check, not the ++it operation. The point of this ordering is to focus on the transition from one position to the next):

    // advance
    // done?
    if (it != end) {
        // read
        goto loop;

In C++20, counted_iterator is an iterator adaptor that simply adds a starting count to the iterator, decrements it on each increment, and compares it as part of the iterator equality check. The count doesn’t participate in dereference.

In terms of order of operations, using a counted_iterator in a loop would look like this:

    // advance
    // done?
    if (count != 0 && it != end) {
        // read
        goto loop;

We always increment the underlying iterator as we reduce the length, then we check if we reached the end (which could happen if either count == 0 or it == end), and then we use the iterator.

Notably, we increment the underlying iterator even if we decremented count to 0. The issue pointed out in the paper is that this last increment could be very problematic (or, at least, undesirable). This isn’t strictly a C++ problem. D’s take behaves exactly the same way (unsurprising, since D’s range model is basically the same as C++’s iterator model).

But what we really want here is something like this:

    if (count != 0) {
        ++it; // guarded
        if (it != end) {
            goto loop;

That is, ensure that we only increment in the underlying iterator when we have to.

In my CppNow talk this year, I looked at the iteration models of several different languages. I grouped C++, D, and C# together as “reading” languages - based on them having an idempotent function that “reads” the current element. Those models behave similarly in a lot of circumstances, and I showed some benefits of that (certain algorithms that you can do in those languages that you can’t without that operation) and some downsides (such as the filter-map issue inherent to this model). But I kind of treated the three as broadly equivalent.

But they’re not in this case.

While C++ and D have advance, done?, and read as three distinct operations, that’s not the case in C#. In C#’s IEnumerator, advance and done? are a single operation named MoveNext. In that model, you’d implement take as follows:

template <IEnumerator E>
struct TakeEnumerator {
    E underlying;
    int count;
    auto MoveNext() -> bool {
        if (count > 0) {
            return underlying.MoveNext(); // guarded
        } else {
            return false;
    auto Current() -> decltype(auto) {
        return underlying.Current();

I hadn’t really previously considered the situations in which the C# model could do better than the C++/D one. I had only considered the C++/D/C# model as a whole against the Python/Rust/etc model.

Of course, the Rust model does not have this problem either:

template <Iterator I>
struct TakeIterator {
    I underlying;
    int count;
    auto next() -> Optional<I::reference> {
        if (count > 0) {
            return underlying.next(); // guarded
        } else {
            return nullopt;

The shape of this solution is nearly the same as the C# one. In both cases, we guard access to the underlying enumerator/iterator/range/cat/whatever on the count check.

I thought this was just an interesting example where grouping advance and done? together in a single operation addresses a problem that exists largely because the two operations are separate. In a way this is similar to the filter-map problem that exists because advance and read are separate.

While there are also clear advantages of advance and read being separate operations (being able to advance cheaply to skip ahead or jump backwards), I haven’t yet really thought about what the advantages of advance and done? being separate are. At the very least, the C++ iterator/sentinel model maps a little awkwardly onto the C# model simply because in C# you have to MoveNext to get to the first element, and in C++ that means extra state:

template <input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S>
struct CppEnumerator {
    I first;
    S last;
    bool increment = false;
    auto MoveNext() -> bool {
        // don't increment the first time, but do
        // increment every other time
        if (increment) {
        if (first != last) {
            increment = true;
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    auto Current() -> iter_reference_t<I> {
        return *first;

Although it maps exceedingly well onto wanting to read input from a stream:

template <typename T>
struct IstreamEnumerator {
    std::istream& is;
    T value;
    auto MoveNext() -> bool {
        return static_cast<bool>(is >> value);
    auto Current() -> T& {
        return value;

Now, that extra checking for all ranges in the general enumerator for an iterator/sentinel pair is probably worse than the extra checking that P2406R0 suggests simply for counting_iterator (the paper doesn’t do it precisely this way, this is my alteration of it):

template <input_iterator I>
class counted_iterator {
    I current;
    iter_difference_t<I> length;
    auto operator++() -> counted_iterator& {
        // existing implementation
        // ++current;
        // --length;
        // proposed implementation
        if (random_access_iterator<I> or length != 0) {
        return *this;

The random_access_iterator check there exists, I’m guessing, because for random access iterators, incrementing has to be constant time and so we wouldn’t expect that extra last increment to either be arbitrarily expensive (as it could be if we’re counting after a filter) or leave the underlying in a bad state (as it could be if I is input-only). And so, in that case, perhaps it might be better to avoid that extra length != 0 check?

But we’d do a length != 0 check anyway when we compare this iterator to its corresponding sentinel so I’m not sure there is actually extra cost there. The random_access_iterator check might just be adding complexity.

In any case, I thought this was a really interesting issue, both in of itself and also in that it exposes a functional difference between the C++ and D iteration models and the C# one.

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