Exploring Placeholders

Document #: DxxxxR0
Date: 2022-06-29
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: EWG
Reply-to: Barry Revzin

1 Placeholders in Pipelines

[P2011R0] proposed a new, non-overloadable binary operator |> such that the expression

x |> f(y)

was defined to be evaluated as:

f(x, y)

without any intermediate f(y) expression. The rules of this operator were fairly simple: the right-hand side had to be a call expression, and the left-hand expression was inserted as the first argument into the right-hand call.

[P2011R1] introduced the possibility of a different variant of this idea, where instead of unconditionally inserting the left-hand expression as the first argument of the right-hand call expression, the user would specify where it was inserted into with a placeholder. For the purposes of this paper, I will use $ as the placeholder. As such

x |> f($, y)

was defined to be evaluated as:

f(x, y)

while also allowing

x |> f(y, $)

to be evaluated as

f(y, x)

In a telecon [pipeline-minutes], EWG indicated preference for exploring the user of placeholders in pipelining:

We’re generally interested in some pipeline operator, assuming my preferred placeholder syntax and precedence is chosen.

11 8 3 2 0

Pipeline operator should have a placeholder, with design to be determined.

6 12 4 1 1

Pipeline operator should not have a placeholder.

1 3 10 6 2

The advantage of placeholders in pipelines is significantly added flexibility: you can express any operation that you want to express, regardless of the order of parameters that the function takes. There are numerous examples in the standard library where the most likely candidate for the expression to put on the left-hand side of a pipe expression is not actually the first parameter of the function:

Moreover, pipelines with placeholders are even more flexible than that: there is no reason to limit the right-hand side to a call expression. For instance, the expression (co_await GetString(i)).size() (from [P0973R0]) has awkward parenthesization based on operator precedence. This could instead be rewritten as GetString(i) |> co_await $ |> $.size(). That is: pipelines with placeholders can effectively introduce postfix co_await or co_yield. They became a mechanism for controlling operator precedence.

Obviously there are questions about pipeline placeholders that need to be answered, such as where and how the placeholder needs to appear. Can it appear in an unevaluated operand? In the body of a lambda? More than once?

Put in a pin in those questions for now, and let’s just carefully consider the expression:

std::tuple(1, 2) |> std::apply(std::plus(), $)

In particular, what role does the std::apply(std::plus(), $) part serve? I don’t want to call it a sub-expression since it’s not technically a distinct operand here. But conceptually, it at least kind of is. And as such the role that it serves here is quite similar to:

std::bind(std::apply, std::plus(), _1)(std::tuple(1, 2))

With two very notable differences:

That said, the not-quite-expression std::apply(std::plus(), $) is conceptually a lot like a unary function. So what if we keep exploring that route.

2 Placeholder Lambdas

There are basically three approaches that languages take to lambdas (some languages do more than one of these).

  1. Direct language support for partial application
  2. Placeholder expressions
  3. Abbreviated function declarations

I’ll illustrate what I mean here by using a simple example: how do you write a lambda that is a unary predicate which checks if its parameter is a negative integer?

For the languages that support partial application, that looks like:

(<0) Haskell
(<) 0 F#

For the languages that provide abbreviated function declarations, we basically have a section that introduces names followed by a body that uses those names:

|e| e < 0 Rust
e -> e < 0 Java
e => e < 0 C#, JavaScript, Scala
\e -> e < 0 Haskell
{ |e| e < 0 } Ruby
{ e in e < 0 } Swift
{ e -> e < 0 } Kotlin
fun e -> e < 0 F#, OCaml
lambda e: e < 0 Python
fn e -> e < 0 end Elixir
[](int e){ return e < 0; } C++
func(e int) bool { return e < 0 } Go

On the plus side, C++ is not the longest.

But the interesting case I wanted to discuss here is those languages that support placeholder expressions:

_ < 0 Scala
_1 < 0 Boost.Lambda (and other Boost libraries)
#(< % 0) Clojure
&(&1 < 0) Elixir
{ $0 < 0 } Swift
{ it < 0 } Kotlin

There’s a lot of variety in these placeholder lambdas. Some languages number their parameters and let you write whatever you want (Swift starts numbering at 0, Elixir at 1, Clojure also at 1 but also provides % as a shorthand), Kotlin only provides the special variable it to be the first parameter.

Scala is unique in that it only provides _, but that placeholder refers to a different parameter on each use. So _ > _ is a binary predicate that checks if the first parameter is greater than the second.

Now, for this particular example, we also have library solutions available to us, and have for quite some time. There are several libraries just in Boost that allow for either _1 < 0 or _ < 0 to mean the same thing as illustrated above (Boost.HOF’s _ behaves similar to Scala - at least to the extent that is possible in a library). Having placeholder lambdas is quite popular precisely because there’s no noise; when writing a simple expression, having to deal with the ceremony of introducing names and dealing with the return type is excessive. For instance, to implement [P2321R1]’s zip, you need to dereference all the iterators in a tuple:

Regular Lambda
Placeholder Lambda
tuple_transform([](auto& it) -> decltype(auto) {
    return *it;
}, current_)
tuple_transform(*_, current_)

The C++ library solutions are fundamentally limited to operators though. You can make _1 == 0 work, but you can’t really make _1.id() == 0 or f(_1) work. As a language feature, having member functions work is trivial. But having non-member functions work is… not.

In the table of languages that support placeholder lambdas, four of them have bounded expressions: there is punctuation to mark where the lambda expression begins and ends. This is due to a fundamental ambiguity: what does f($) mean? It could either mean invoking f with a unary lambda that returns its argument (i.e. f(e => e)) or it could mean a unary lambda that invokes f on its argument (i.e. e => f(e)). How do you know which one is which?

Scala, which does not have bounded placeholder expressions, takes an interesting direction here:

f(_) e => f(e)
f(_, x) e => f(e, x)
f(_ + 2) e => f(e + 2)
f(1, 2, g(_)) f(1, 2, e => g(e))
f(1, _) e => f(1, e)
f(1, _ + 1) f(1, e => e + 1)

I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t want to go that route in C++, where we come up with some rule for what constitutes the bounded expression around the placeholder.

But also more to the point, when the placeholder expression refers to (odr-uses) a variable, we need to capture it, and we need to know how to capture it.

So a C++ approach to placeholder lambdas might be: a lambda-introducer, followed by some token to distinguish it from a regular lambda (e.g. : or =>), followed by a placeholder expression. That is, the placeholder lambda for the negative example might be []: $1 < 0 or just []: $ < 0. At 9 characters, this is substantially shorter than the C++ lambda we have to write today (26 characters), and this is about as short as a C++ lambda gets (the dereference example would be 7 characters as compared to 46). And while it’s longer than the various library approaches (Boost.HOF’s _ < 0 is just 5), it would have the flexibility to do anything. Probably good enough.

For more on the topic of placeholder lambdas in C++, consider vector<bool>’s blog posts “Now I Am Become Perl” [vector-bool] and his macro-based solution to the problem [vector-bool-macro].

Getting back to the topic at hand, we had:

std::tuple(1, 2) |> std::apply(std::plus(), $)

And now I’m saying that perhaps:

auto apply_plus = []: std::apply(std::plus(), $);

Could the lambda that does that.

Which actually suggests that the model for pipelines in placeholders might be that x |> f simply evaluates as f(x), except that we allow f to be a placeholder-expression which is allowed to omit the capture introducer (since we know we are not capturing in this context and we have the |>s as our bounds to avoid ambiguity).

This is a pretty cool model (and is in fact how F# defines its |>, it’s merely inverted function application) in that it’s pretty easy to understand while also giving us placeholder lambdas as a drive-by language feature.


3 March of the Placeholders

One of the library features that the Ranges library provides is the ability to do partial function composition, as a library feature. Let’s say, for instance, that we want to send some swag to all of our employees named Tim. We could find their locations like so:

| views::filter([](auto&& e){ return e.name() == "Tim"; })
| views::transform([](auto&& e) { return e.address(); })

But maybe we actually frequently need to locate the Tims. So we can produce a new range adaptor closure object to hold onto and use for future compositions like so:

auto tim_locations =
    views::filter([](auto&& e){ return e.name() == "Tim"; })
    | views::transform([](auto&& e) { return e.address(); })
employees | tim_locations

Part of the goal of |> as a language feature is to obviate the need for any library | machinery. So the question is, how do we do this partial function with |>? Let’s start with just getting all the Tims. We start out by writing:

auto tims = [](auto&& r){
    return r |> views::filter($, [](auto&& e){ return e.name() == "Tim"; });

But this is (a) much longer than the existing views::filter(/* that lambda */) while also (b) not being SFINAE-friendly. So that’s a no-go. But maybe we need to combine it with the placeholder lambdas, to make both parts of this much shorter:

auto tims = []: $a |> views::filter($b, []: $c.name() == "Tim");

Alright, what’s going on here? We have three uses of $ here, that actually refer to three different things. I took the liberty of adding subscripts to them to be able to describe what they mean a little better:

Now, $a and $b actually refer to the same expression here (literally: $b simply refers to $a), so this could be reduced to:

auto tims = []: views::filter($ab, []: $c.name() == "Tim");

But if we then add the transform on top of these to find the locations of all of our Tims, that would end up being:

auto tims_locations = []: views::filter($ab, []: $c.name() == "Tim") |> views::transform($d, []: $e.address());

Where, to add clarity:

Now, this is certainly shorter than what we started with and, importantly, avoids quite a bit of library machinery. Doing this entirely in the language doesn’t just lead to terser code, it will almost certainly lead to better compile times and certainly lead to improved diagnostics on incorrect usages.

As described in the original pipeline paper, this also easily extends to arbitrary algorithms without any additional library work:

auto tims_salaries = []: views::filter($, []: $.name() == "Tim")
                      |> ranges::fold_left($, 0.0, std::plus(), []: $.salary())

Now, if we adopted placeholder lambdas along the lines presented here, but instead kept the non-placeholder pipelines, the above would look like:

auto tims_locations = []: $a |> views::filter([]: $c.name() == "Tim") |> views::transform([]: $e.address());

Because in this world, placeholders only appear in placeholder-lambdas (as opposed to also appearing in pipelines), it’s may be possible to potentially reduce the above further to (since we have no capture and are using no non-member functions, so the bounds are clear):

auto tims_locations = $a |> views::filter($c.name() == "Tim") |> views::transform($e.address());

The introducer would be impossible to take away if |> took a placeholder, since given the code e |> views::transform($, $.address()), how do you know that $.address() is intended to be a placeholder-lambda by itself, rather than intending to evaluate as views::transform(e, e.address()) (which is obviously nonsense in this particular example, but could be a perfectly reasonable expression in a different context).

So the takeaway here is… this is quite messy. A pipeline operator with a placeholder is very flexible, and naturally lends itself to being defined in terms of a placeholder lambda. And placeholder lambdas themselves are very useful (the numerous libraries in existence which allow them is testament to that).

But somehow, combining a placeholder pipeline with a placeholder lambda leads to code that might be quite a bit worse than if we had the pipeline with no placeholder (as originally proposed) but still adopted placeholder lambdas. Placeholder lambdas also allow us to claw back some of value of placeholder pipelines in function calls, albeit with a much more awkward syntax:

Placeholder Pipeline
Placeholder Lambda
x |> zip($, y)
x |> zip(y)
x |> zip(y, $)
// As-is, this has to capture y, but it may
// make sense to special-case placeholder-lambdas
// in pipeline-expressions to avoid having to
// capture because they're immediately-evaluated
x |> ([y]: zip(y, $))()

// ... as in just (but the parentheses are still necessary):
x |> (zip(y, $))()
employees |> filter($, [](auto&& e){
                           return e.name() == "Tim";

// unclear if this is viable
employees |> filter($, []: $.name() == "Tim")
employees |> filter([]: $.name() == "Tim")

// unclear if this is viable
employees |> filter($.name() == "Tim")
std::tuple(1, 2) |> std::apply(std::plus(), $)
std::tuple(1, 2) |> (std::apply(std::plus(), $))()
GetString(i) |> co_await $ |> $.size()
// there's no |> way to do this without placeholders
(co_await GetString(i)).size()
FILE* file = fopen("a.txt", "wb");
if (file) {
    file |> fputs("Hello world", $);
    file |> fseek($, 9, SEEK_SET);
    file |> fclose($);
FILE* file = fopen("a.txt", "wb");
if (file) {
    file |> (fputs("Hello world", $))();
    file |> fseek(9, SEEK_SET);
    file |> fclose();

4 Placeholders in Templates

There’s at least one more other context, completely separate from pipelining expressions and lambdas, where using placeholders is valuable: creating alias templates on the fly.

There are two problems with alias templates today: they must be declared as their own statement and that statement cannot be in local scope. This means that when you need an alias template, it could easily end up being declared quite far away from use. This is very similar to the problem of having to create function objects on their own line, far away from use - a problem that was solved with the introduction of lambdas in C++11.

One particularly interesting use of alias templates that merits consideration for a more convenient syntax is class template argument deduction. Since C++20, the following is valid:

template <typename T> using int_pair = pair<int, T>;
int_pair x(1, 2); // ok, x is a pair<int, int>

This is fine if int_pair is a commonly used alias that actually merits a name. But is quite inconvenient if that is not the case: you have to introduce a (likely-meaningless) name, somewhere away from its intended use, to be only used a single time. But consider, instead, the following:

pair<int, $> x(1, 2);

If we define pair<int, $> as creating, on the fly, a uniquely-named alias template (in the same way that a lambda creates, on the fly, a uniquely-named function object), that might look like:

template <typename _T1> using __pair_alias = pair<int, _T1>;

And the class template argument deduction rules we already have kick in and have the desired behavior. This is a frequently desired extension. For instance, some of [P1021R1]’s examples could be written as:

using namespace ba = boost::algorithm;

set<string, $> case_insensitive_strings(ba::ilexicographic_compare);

// Lambda comparators are great for algorithms like sort
// Now with associative containers, too!
set<int, $> s([](int i, int j) {
                 return std::popcount(i) < std::popcount(j);

// and container adaptors!
priority_queue<Task, $> tasks([](Task a, Task b) {
                                 return a.priority < b.priority;

The difference here is that I’m annotating, with a placeholder, the type that needs to be filled in… rather than omitting it entirely (which has the problem that set<string> is already a valid type which is not the desired type for the variable case_insensitive_strings).

In this use-case, the choice of placeholder in particular should probably be auto. As in:

pair<int, auto> x(1, 2);

But there’s a few interesting questions around this usage:

4.1 Alias or Constraint

Should a template-id with a placeholder be a constraint or an alias template? The interesting example might be optional<auto> x = 7; If optional<auto> is a constraint, then this is ill-formed because 7 is not some kind of optional<T>. If it’s just an alias template, then this is fine and behaves the same as optional x = 7;, which wraps the 7, declaring x to be an optional<int>. Both forms are useful: it’s just a question of whether the intent is to do pattern matching or to do class template argument deduction.

However, if optional<auto> were a constraint, how would you use it in a requires-clause? What would that syntax be? There doesn’t really seem to be an obvious choice here (optional<auto><T>? Nope.) This is a separate problem that’s also important to consider, since this does come up: we need a way to unpack types. Perhaps the right way here is to allow a using declaration in the middle of a template parameter list:

template <typename T, typename F,
          using optional<typename U> = invoke_result_t<F&, T const&>>
auto and_then(optional<T> const&, F) -> optional<U>;

4.2 How many autos

Let’s say rather than auto we wanted some kind of constraint:

pair<int, invocable<int> auto1>  auto2 p = /* ... */;

Which of those two autos is necessary?

Alternatively, auto might be the wrong choice of placeholder for the concept case, and we may want a placeholder for the hole:

pair<int, invocable<$, int>> auto p = /* ... */;

One reason for that might be …

4.3 Concept template parameters

One related idea is the desire to have concept template parameters. One example might be RangeOf: there’s a lot of additional things you might want to check about a range, so a general concept that can check whatever you ask seems pretty valuable (since sometimes you want a same_as, sometimes a convertible_to, sometimes a completely different concept). Let’s say we can declare such a thing this way:

template <class R, template <typename> concept C>
concept range_of = ranges::input_range<R> && C<ranges::range_reference_t<R>>;

This would fairly straightforward allow something like range_of<R, ranges::input_range>, since input_range is already itself a unary concept.

But sometimes we’d want to partially apply a binary concept, like range_of<R, same_as<int>>. This has the same potential issue I showed with invocable: C<T> may itself be a valid expression, so we need to be clear that we want to synthesize something. A placeholder could work here too:

template <range_of<convertible_to<$, int>> R>
void algo(R&&);

Where the base case would be to just provide a placeholder where today we don’t actually need one:

template <ranges::range<$> R>
void algo(R&&);

4.4 What about non-type template parameters?

What about this case:

std::array<int, $> x = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

Can this deduce x as an array<int, 5>? I’d expect so - this is just another example of the limitation of class template argument deduction of not being able to provide some of the arguments.

5 References

[P0973R0] Geoff Romer, James Dennett. 2018-03-23. Coroutines TS Use Cases and Design Issues.

[P1021R1] Mike Spertus, Timur Doumler, Richard Smith. 2018-10-07. Filling holes in Class Template Argument Deduction.

[P2011R0] Barry Revzin, Colby Pike. 2020-01-07. A pipeline-rewrite operator.

[P2011R1] Barry Revzin, Colby Pike. 2020-04-16. A pipeline-rewrite operator.

[P2321R1] Tim Song. 2021-04-11. zip.

[pipeline-minutes] EWG. 2020. P2011R1 Telecon - September 2020.

[vector-bool] Colby Pike. 2018. Now I Am Become Perl.

[vector-bool-macro] Colby Pike. 2021. A Macro-Based Terse Lambda Expression.