Concepts, v2

Document #: DxxxxR0
Date: 2020-06-20
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: EWG
Reply-to: Barry Revzin

1 Introduction and Motivation

See [P1900R0], which was presented in Prague and received favorably.

These problems are worth solving: 14-14-0-0-0

This paper attempts to present a new concepts design to address the problems presented there. I’ll go through the design here based on three example concepts in C++20: range, view, and invocable.

2 The Range concept

Range makes for a great litmus test here, since there’s so much we need to be able to handle here, a lot of which is currently has to be manually implemented (in a way that is not reusable for other concepts that might conceptually require similar machinery).

Let’s start with just a small part of Range and build up from there: we have a function begin() which returns an iterator, which has to satisfy the input_or_output_iterator concept:

template <typename R>
concept struct Range {
    typename iterator;
    requires std::input_or_output_iterator<iterator>;
    virtual auto begin(R&) -> iterator = 0;

We have a new notation, concept struct, to differentiate from C++20 concepts - we need a lot more structure here, and because we’re basically defining an interface, treating this as a class declaration has a lot of benefits. The declarations here are basically like member functions and member typedefs, and will be used as such.

In our new concept class, we have three declarations:

  1. typename iterator introduces an associated type named iterator with no definition. The type that this refers to will have to be introduced later.
  2. requires std::input_or_output_iterator<iterator> introduces a constraint on the associated type iterator.
  3. virtual auto begin(R&) -> iterator = 0; introduces an associated function, whose presence is mandatory in order to satisfy the concept. See [P1292R0] for motivation for the virtual keyword here.

Because begin() is used unqualified here, this function can be satisfied by either member or non-member syntax, preferring member. When a candidate is considered, its return type will be used as the type iterator refers to, whose constraints will then be checked.

In other words, these declarations are equivalent (at this point) in what constraints they impose on a given type and how a type would satisfy Range:

C++20 Concepts
This design
template <typename R>
concept Range =
    requires(R& r) {
        { begin(r) } -> std::input_or_output_iterator;
    requires(R& r) {
        { r.begin() } -> std::input_or_output_iterator;
template <typename R>
concept struct Range {
    typename iterator;
    requires std::input_or_output_iterator<iterator>;
    virtual auto begin(R&) -> iterator = 0;

Now, the C++20 concept isn’t actually written like the above, for a few important reasons. One reason is: C arrays satisfy neither formulation (neither in C++20 concepts nor in the design proposed). Either way, this has to be handled separately.

With C++20, any kind of other customization must be handled manually by the concept author, who has to come up with their own customization mechanism and figure out how arrays play into it.

With the design presented here, because begin() is declared as a function, a virtual function no less, we have a more direct avenue for customization. In this design, that is:

template <Range R> concept struct Range<R&>  : Range<R> { };
template <Range R> concept struct Range<R&&> : Range<R> { };

template <typename T, size_t N>
concept struct Range<T[N]> {
    auto begin(T(&arr)[N]) -> T* override { return arr; }

Several things going on here. First, a type satisfies Range regardless of its value category. If R is a range, R& is a range and R&& is a range as well (although R const may not be). So as the author of the Range concept, we want to make it easy to opt-in to being a Range and we wouldn’t want to have to make class authors “specialize” for each reference type. The first two partial specializations just strip off the reference so that only non-reference types need to be explicitly provided.

The third declaration is the key one. This is how we implement Range for T[N]. Similarly to how we implement a polymorphic interface with a derived type, we have to override all of the pure virtual functions. With this additional implementation, arrays now satisfy Range because we implemented begin() (matching the signature!) and the return type of begin(), T*, satisfies input_or_output_iterator.

2.1 Concept Class Satisfaction

Let’s back up and talk about how a concept class is satisfied, since it’s slightly different to how a C++20 concept would be. Copying our whole declaration for Range here again for clarity:

template <typename R>
concept struct Range {
    typename iterator;
    requires std::input_or_output_iterator<iterator>;
    virtual auto begin(R&) -> iterator = 0;

template <Range R> concept struct Range<R&>  : Range<R> { };
template <Range R> concept struct Range<R&&> : Range<R> { };

template <typename T, size_t N>
concept struct Range<T[N]> {
    auto begin(T(&arr)[N]) -> T* override { return arr; }

In order to check if a type T satisfies Range, we go through several steps.

  1. Pick the most specialized implementation of Range for T.
  2. For each virtual function:
    1. Find an implementation. The candidate set here is first, the set of specialized implementations, then the set of member functions, then the set of non-member functions. We stop once we find a candidate.
    2. A candidate is viable if it matches the signature and, if the function’s return type is an associated type, the return type meets all that associated type’s requirements.
    If we cannot find a valid implementation for a virtual function, the concept is not satisfied.
  3. If there is inconsistent determination of associated types or values, the concept is not satisfied.

Let’s consider three types (int, std::vector<int> const&, and int[20]) and see how those steps work out.

For int, the most specialized implementation is the primary. We then look for an implementation of begin. We have no specialized implementation, nor do we have any member functions, and non-member lookup for begin (in the context of the declaration of Range) finds nothing. We fail to find a valid implementation and so int does not satisfy Range.

For std::vector<int> const&, we go through a longer process. To pick the most specialized implementation, we have to see if std::vector<int> const satisfies Range (if so, the R& one is the most specialized). So we look for an implementation of begin. We have no specialized implementation, but we do have a member function begin that we can invoke on an lvalue of type std::vector<int> const. That function returns a std::vector<int>::const_iterator, which does satisfy std::input_or_output_iterator. We have thus satisfied all of our requirements, so std::vector<int> const indeed satisfies Range. And then std::vector<int> const& satisfies Range following those same steps again (although an implementation could probably just determine from the empty body that once R is a Range, R& trivially follows).

For int[20], the most specialized implementation is Range<T[N]>, which does contain an implementation of begin. This satisfies all of our requirements, so int[20] satisfies Range.

2.2 Invoking Concept Class Associated Functions

It’s all well and good that we have all these ways of satisfies the Range concept’s begin() function - but how do we actually invoke the thing? A lot of the preexisting implementation complexity is to actually call the right function.

And here, again the fact that begin() is declared as a function helps. We can simply treat it as a function:

Range<R>::iterator it = Range<R>::begin(rng);

The above is ill-formed if R does not satisfy Range, otherwise we already went through the process of verifying that there is a valid begin() implementation - this just invokes the correct one. Statically. Despite the use of virtual and override, there is no dynamic dispatch here. Likewise, we already went through the process of verifying the iterator associated type, so we can just use it.

We can add a further simplification by following the type-constraint syntax idea and allow dropping the first type when invoking associated functions and letting it be deduced from context (sort of like a CTAD for static member functions, except still allowing a partial template list):

Range<R>::iterator it = Range::begin(rng);

Range<R>::begin is not quite a function - it’s a niebloid. It’s an object, it cannot be found by ADL (and stops ADL if it is found), it can be passed as an argument to another function template. Range::begin is likewise not quite a function template - you cannot provide direct template arguments to it, and you can pass it as an argument.

And at this point we can do a full comparison between a C++20 implementation of the half of the Range concept presented so far and the design presented here. Note that end is missing so far - and requires twice as much code in C++20 to support while only a few extra lines with this design (still roughly twice as much code in the new design, but we’re only doubling like 5 lines of code rather than about 50).

This Design
namespace __begin {
  template<class T> void begin(T&&) = delete;

  template<class T>
  void begin(std::initializer_list<T>) = delete;

  template<class R>
  concept has_member = std::is_lvalue_reference_v<R> &&
    requires(R& r) {
      { __decay_copy(r.begin()) }
        -> input_or_output_iterator;

  template<class R>
  concept has_non_member = requires(R&& r) {
    { __decay_copy(begin(static_cast<R&&>(r))) }
      -> input_or_output_iterator;

  template <class>
  inline constexpr bool nothrow = false;
  template <has_member R>
  inline constexpr bool nothrow<R> =
  template <class R>
  requires (!has_member<R> && has_non_member<R>)
  inline constexpr bool nothrow<R> =

  struct __fn {
    template<class R, std::size_t N>
    constexpr R* operator()(R (&array)[N]) const noexcept {
      return array;

    template<class R>
      requires has_member<R> || has_non_member<R>
    constexpr auto operator()(R&& r) const noexcept(nothrow<R>) {
      if constexpr (has_member<R>) {
        return r.begin();
      } else {
        return begin(static_cast<R&&>(r));

inline namespace __cpos {
    inline constexpr __begin::__fn begin{};

template <class T>
concept range = requires(T& t) {

template <class T>
using iterator_t = decltype(ranges::begin(declval<T&>()));

iterator_t<R> b = ranges::begin(r);
template <typename R>
concept struct Range {
    typename iterator;
    requires std::input_or_output_iterator<iterator>;
    virtual auto begin(R&) -> iterator = 0;

template <Range R> concept struct Range<R&>  : Range<R> { };
template <Range R> concept struct Range<R&&> : Range<R> { };

template <typename T, size_t N>
concept struct Range<T[N]> {
    constexpr auto begin(T(&arr)[N]) -> T* noexcept override {
        return arr;

Range<R>::iterator b = Range::begin(r);

2.3 Using Concept

Since associated functions and associated types are really just function and type declarations, we can think of the concept class they’re associated with as something of a namespace. To that end, we can bring that namespace into scope with a new kind of using-directive:

Longer Form
Shorter Form
template <Range R>
auto distance(R&& r) -> int {
    Range<R>::iterator b = Range::begin(r);
    Range<R>::sentinel e = Range::end(r);
    int cnt = 0;
    for (; b != e; ++b) {
    return cnt;
template <Range R>
auto distance(R&& r) -> int {
    using concept Range;
    iterator b = begin(r);
    sentinel e = end(r);
    int cnt = 0;
    for (; b != e; ++b) {
    return cnt;

Name lookup for begin(r), for instance, will for look through the using-directive and find the associated function begin() and stop there (this does not do ADL, because Range<R>::begin() is not a function in the usual sense, it’s a niebloid).

Maybe we even make such a using-directive implicit based on the constraints of the function template or class template we’re inside of, or maybe that’s too much implicitness.

3 The View concept

A View is very similar to a Range. It has a few extra requirements, the most important of which is explicit opt-in. We cannot infer whether a type is a View. The class author must tell this to us.

In the C++20 design, this is implemented as:

template<class T>
inline constexpr bool enable_view = derived_from<T, view_base>;

template<class T>
concept view =
    range<T> && movable<T> && default_initializable<T> && enable_view<T>;

The simplest way of becoming a view is just to inherit from the empty type view_base. Barring that, you can specialize the variable template enable_view for your type.

But explicit opt-in is a fairly significant feature of a concept. Rather than relying on the concept author to come up with such a facility, we can build it into the language. In this design:

template <typename R>
explicit concept struct View
    : Range<R>, movable<R>, default_initializable<R>
{ };

template <derived_from<view_base> V> concept struct View<V> { };

Here, the concept class View “inherits” the requirements from Range, movable, and default_initializable (even though the latter two are not concept classes, this is fine). But it also adds the explicit keyword. This means that a type is not a View, regardless of all the other requirements, unless there is an explicit implementation of View for that type.

Similar to C++20’s view, we provide a default opt-in for all types inheriting from view_base. This doesn’t automatically make them a View, they still have to satisfy all the other requirements - this only satisfies the explicit requirement.

While C++20 Ranges has concepts that require explicit opt-in, it also has concepts that require explicit opt-out (like sized_sentinel_for). I am not sure yet how to fit opt-out here.

Note that because View “inherits” from Range, it also inherits the associated types and functions. That is:

template <View V>
void foo(V v)
    using concept View;
    iterator i = begin(v);

This works, iterator would be View<V>::iterator which is Range<V>::iterator and likewise begin() finds Range<V>::begin.

4 The invocable concept family

Let’s turn now to invocation, and the family of concepts that can be found there. In particular, I’ll focus on just invocable and predicate which are currently defined as (for the purposes of this paper, I’m simplifying to assume equality- preservation and am skipping regular_invocable. It doesn’t change anything here and just adds noise):

template<class F, class... Args>
concept invocable = requires (F&& f, Args&&... args) {
    invoke(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<class F, class... Args>
concept predicate =
    invocable<F, Args...> && boolean-testable<invoke_result_t<F, Args...>>;

There are several interesting questions these concepts bring up for the design. How could we declare these things differently? How do we specify the associated type here (the result of the invocation)? Can we do better than boolean-testable?

Let’s start with invocable. Invocation is fundamentally the call operator, so we would want to specify it as such:

template <typename F, typename... Args>
concept struct Invocable {
    typename result_type;
    virtual auto operator()(F, Args...) -> result_type = 0;

// bunch of specializations follow for invocables that aren't ()-able
// this one is very incomplete, but just intended to be illustrative and
// I didn't want to clutter this with too much noise:
template <typename C, typename R, typename... Args>
concept struct Invocable<R (C::*)(Args...), C*, Args...> {
    constexpr auto operator()(R (C::*pmf)(Args...), C* c, Args... args) -> R override {
        return (c->*pmf)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

// our favorite std::invoke
constexpr auto invoke =
    []<typename F, typename... Args>(F&& f, Args&&... args)
        requires Invocable<F, Args...>
        return Invocable<Args...>::operator()(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...);

There’s an interesting turnaround here, in that the callable object std::invoke that actually does the invocation is implemented in terms of the concept, rather than the concept being implementation in terms of the function. This just seems like the correct direction.

But we can even do a little bit better. First, let’s extend our notion of what it means to bring in a “concept namespace” with a using-directive to be more expansive. Perhaps we can make the concept the driver of lookup even in member contexts?

// our favorite std::invoke
constexpr auto invoke =
    []<typename F, typename... Args>(F&& f, Args&&... args)
        requires Invocable<F, Args...>
        using concept Invocable<Args...>;
        return std::forward<F>(f)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

That is, before even looking inside of F for operator(), we start by looking inside of Invocable<Args...>. This now works for pointers to members as well.

Although really, this is going to be such a common pattern, we may as well go all the way and allow:

constexpr auto invoke = Invocable::operator();

4.1 The predicate concept

All predicate does is refine invocable such that it returns bool. But we can’t just say that, for complicated C++ reasons and having to deal with types that are convertible to bool but don’t actually behave like bool when it comes to the operators &&, ||, and !. Rather than pushing the burden of dealing with this onto generic programming authors, let’s embrace the issue and deal with it entirely in the concept:

template <typename F, typename... Args>
concept struct Predicate : Invocable<F, Args...>
    requires convertible_to<result_type, bool>;
    auto operator()(F f, Args... args) -> bool {
        using concept Invocable;
        return std::forward<F>(f)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

What’s going on here? We have a concept class declaration, but with no new virtual functions or associated types. We have a non-virtual function and a new constraint. The constraint part is straightforward, a Predicate is an Invocable whose result_type is convertible_to<bool> (we don’t need to use any qualification because all Invocables will have a result_type).

The new operator() is there solely to coerce the result of the invocation to bool, which is an entirely different way of dealing with the problem thoroughly described in [P1964R0]. Consider an implementation of count_if that instead takes two predicates instead of one:

template <Range R, typename T = Range<R>::reference
          Predicate<T> Pred1, Predicate<T> Pred2>
auto count_if(R&& r, Pred1 p1, Pred2 p2) -> int
    using concept Range, Predicate;

    R::iterator b = r.begin();
    R::sentinel e = r.end();
    int n = 0;
    for (; b != e; ++b) {
        if (p1(*b) && p2(*b)) {
    return n;

First, I wanted to point out the declartions of the iterator and sentinel here. Because of the using-directive bringing in the concept Range, we look in the concept for R::iterator and r.begin() first and find those there. This syntax works for all types that satsify Range (including C arrays!). Really, we would basically always want this (and there’s no way around Range<R>::reference), so maybe this is an extra argument in favor of implicitly bringing in concept associations from constrained declarations.

Second, this implementation is guaranteed to be valid because the type of p1(*b) is bool, regardless of what the type of invoke(p1, *b) is. We already know from the constraints that the type of invoke(p1, *b) is convertible to bool, and what p1(*b) does is invoke Predicate::operator()(p1, *b) - which invokes Invocable::operator()(p1, *b) and converts its result to bool.

We don’t need boolean-testable here as such. Even with a type like:

struct Evil {
    operator bool() const;
    friend auto operator&&(Evil, Evil) -> void;

auto evil_pred(int) -> Evil;

auto count_evil(std::vector<int> v) -> int {
    return count_if(v, evil_pred, evil_pred);

The above implementation compiles, because the operator&& here is never used.

4.2 Terser associated type access syntax

Consider the desire to implement the function fmap for optional<T>. This is a function that takes two arguments:

  1. an optional<T>
  2. a function that when invoked with a T yields a U

and returns an optional<U>. Consider also the desire to implement a very similar function bind for optional<T>, whose second argument is a function that takes a T and returns an optional<U> (for some U).

Implementing the first in C++20 is… ok. Implementing the second is less so:

template <typename T, invocable<T> F, typename U = invoke_result_t<F, T>>
auto fmap(optional<T>, F) -> optional<U>;

template <typename T, invocable<T> F, typename Z = invoke_result_t<F, T>>
    requires is_specialization_of<Z, optional>
auto bind(optional<T>, F) -> Z;

These declarations have some notable issues. First, there’s just the API surface area to deal with that you just have to know about invoke_result_t. Second, what is Z? We talk about this function as returning an optional<U>, but instead for specification convenience, we just return Z.

I mean, you could return an optional<U> too:

template <typename T, invocable<T> F,
          specializes<optional> Z = invoke_result_t<F, T>,
          typename U = Z::value_type>
auto bind(optional<T>, F) -> optional<U>;

Maybe that’s better? This relies on just knowing that the U in optional<U> can be retrieved via the value_type specialization. You could instead just treat optional as a typelist and use mp_first<Z>? Neither of these provide a lot of clarity.

Instead, what this design suggests is a new syntax for introducing names based on the associated types of concepts. We just need some separator between the arguments for the concept and the new kind of introducer, for which this paper just picks /.

template <typename U, typename T, Invocable<T / result_type=U> F>
auto fmap(optional<T>, F f) -> optional<U>;
template <typename U, typename T, Invocable<T / result_type=optional<U>> F>
auto bind(optional<T>, F f) -> optional<U>;

What this means is that first we introduce an unbound template parameter, U. But then, in fmap, we add the introducer result_type=U. This pattern matches the type Invocable<F, T>::result_type against U (which would always match because it’s a type), and assigns U to that result.

The more complicated version is in bind, where the pattern is result_type=optional<U>. If the result_type does not match the pattern (say if we provided a function whose result type was int), then this constraint is not satisfied and this function template is removed from overload resolution. But if it is satisfied, then we pull out the the type and assign it to the name U.

While this seems initially more complex, this is a staggeringly simpler way of expressing the constraint and reads precisely like what we’re going for. We need an Invocable on T whose result_type is optional<U>, for some U.

Consider a different algorithm which is even harder to properly declare in C++20 (although, like the above algorithms, very easy to implement once we get past the declaration). In Haskell, there is a function sequence that takes (in C++ terms) a range of expected<T, E> and returns a expected<vector<T>, E>. That is, if all of the expecteds hold a value, return a new expected whose value is the list of the success results. Otherwise, return the first failure.

This Design
template <Range R,
    Specializes<expected> V = range_value_t<R>>
auto sequence(R) ->
    expected<vector<V::value_type>, V::error_type>;
template <class T, class E, Range</value=expected<T, E>> R>
auto sequence(R r) -> expected<vector<T>, E>;

It’s not like the C++20 solution is especially long. It’s just … what is even going on here and what does any of it mean?

With this design, it’s pretty obvious at a glance what the parameter to sequence has to satisfy and what the result type is.

5 Design Summary

In short, this paper proposes a new kind of concept (a concept class) which uses pseudo-signatures instead of expression and has support for declaring associated types. A concept class can be specialized (mapped) to provide custom support for a particular associated function.

A concept class’ associated functions can be used externally as niebloids, and both associated functions and types can be brought into scope with a new kind of using-directive, which also affects lookup for members. Concepts classes can have non-customizable functions as well, which can be used to just provided bonus functionality or to do things like coerce types.

Lastly, this paper proposes a convenient syntax for accessing associated types in template declarations, to make certain kinds of constraints vastly more expressible.

6 References

[P1292R0] Matt Calabrese. 2018. Customization Point Functions.

[P1900R0] Barry Revzin. 2019. Concepts-Adjacent Problems.

[P1964R0] Tim Song. 2019. Casting convertible_to considered harmful.