Extending support for class types as non-type template parameters

Document #: P3380R1 [Latest] [Status]
Date: 2024-12-04
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: EWG
Reply-to: Barry Revzin

1 Revision History

Since [P3380R0]:

2 Introduction

This paper is conceptually a follow-up to [P2484R0], except that it’s largely a new design, and I haven’t heard back from Richard Smith and didn’t want to put his name on ideas I’m not sure he agrees with, despite everything in this paper being derived from his insights.

Recommended reading in advance:

The status quo right now is that class types that have all of their subobjects public and structural can be used as non-type template parameters. This was an extremely useful addition to C++20, but leaves a lot to be desired. The goal of this paper is to provide a design that will allow all types to be usable as non-type template parameters, provided the correct opt-in. In order to do so, I have to first introduce three concepts: serialization, normalization, and deserialization.

2.1 Serialization

All the work at this point has established pretty clearly that template argument equivalence is a serialization problem. What the defaulted-<=> design established, and then the defaulted-== design and the structural type design preserved, was that we need to treat a class type as being comprised of a bunch of scalar types and having equivalence be based on those scalars.

However we generalize the non-type template parameter problem to more interesting class types is going to require a mechanism for the user to tell the compiler how their class decomposes. Put differently: how can the compiler serialize your class.

More formally, serialization takes a value v and explodes it into some tuple of structural types:

Since the resulting types have to themselves be structural, that means they themselves can be (recursively) serialized. Regardless of what mechanism we could use to specify serialization, the compiler can do the recursive part itself without any user input. So in real life it might look more like this (where the values in the right-most column are those scalar/pointer/reference types that cannot further decompose):

There are many types for which default subobject-wise serialization is actually sufficient — types like std::tuple<Ts...>, std::optional<T>, std::expected<T, E>, std::variant<Ts...>, std::string_view, std::span<T>, etc. For such types, the problem reduces to simply coming up with the right syntax to express that opt-in.

But for other types, simply serializing all the subobjects is insufficient. We have to do a little bit more.

2.2 Normalization

One of the examples that got brought up frequently during discussion is:

struct Fraction {
    int num;
    int denom;

Should Fraction{1, 2} be able to be template-argument-equivalent to Fraction{2, 4}? That is, should the serialization process be allowed to also do normalization? Maybe you want to minimize your template instantiations?

I find this particular example difficult to reason about whether it matters, but there is another that I think is more compelling (courtesy of Richard Smith). Consider:

class SmallString {
    char data[32];
    int length = 0; // always <= 32

    // the usual string API here, including
    SmallString() = default;

    constexpr auto data() const -> char const* {
        return data;

    constexpr auto push_back(char c) -> void {
        assert(length < 31);
        data[length] = c;

    constexpr auto pop_back() -> void {
        assert(length > 0);

And add a few functions:

template <SmallString S> struct C { };

constexpr auto f() -> SmallString {
    auto s = SmallString();
    return s;

constexpr auto g() -> SmallString {
    auto s = f();
    return s;

Now, we might consider the values returned by f() and g() to be equal — they’re both strings of length 1 whose single character is x. But they have different contents of their data arrays. So if we do default subobject-wise equivalence (i.e. the C++20 rule), then C<f()> and C<g()> would be different types. This is unlikely to be the desired effect.

If instead of subobject-wise equivalence, we instead did custom serialization — if we only serialized the contents of data[:length] (such that f() and g() serialize identically), then we have a different problem. Consider:

template <SmallString S>
constexpr auto bad() -> int {
  if constexpr (S.data()[1] == 'y') {
    return 0;
  } else {
    return 1;

What do bad<f()>() and bad<g()>() evaluate to, 0 or 1? Or both? This is an ODR violation, and would be a very bad outcome that we (at least Richard and I) desperately want to avoid.

So far then we have two options for SmallString:

  1. Opt-in to member-wise equivalence, which leads to two equal values being non-equivalent.
  2. Custom serialization, which can lead to ODR violations.

Instead, we can do something else. Prior to serialization, we can optionally perform an extra normalization step. In this case, first we would normalize the representation (by setting data[length:32] to 0) and then we would serialize.


Which would naturally recurse:

With such a normalization step, we can get f() and g() to be template-argument-equivalent in a way that avoids any ODR issues, since now their representations are actually identical.

2.2.1 String Literals

Another highly motivating use-case for normalization is actually string literals. Currently, string literals are not usable as non-type template parameters. [P0424R2] tried to address this issue, but was dropped in favor of [P0732R2]. The latter, while a highly useful addition to the language, technically did not solve the former problem though.

The problem with string literals is that template-argument equivalence for pointers is defined as two pointers having the same pointer value. Which isn’t necessarily true for string literals in different translation units.

But this is precisely a use-case for normalization! And the model [P0424R2] implies basically gets us there, it just needs to be formalized. Basically: if p points to a string literal, or a subobject thereof, we can first normalize it by having it instead point to an external linkage array that is mangled with the contents of the string. That is, this:

template <auto V> struct C { };

struct Wrapper { char const* p; };

C<"hello"> c1;
C<Wrapper{.p="hello"}> c2;

Can normalize (recursively) into:

template <char const* V> struct C { };

inline constexpr char __hello[] = "hello";
C<__hello> c1;
C<Wrapper{.p=__hello}> c2;

As long as we ensure that the backing array has external storage such that the same contents lead to the same variable (which [P3491R0] demonstrates a library implementation of), this will actually do the right thing. We end up with exactly what users expect, in the way that [P0424R2] hoped to achieve.

However, this still isn’t sufficient…

2.3 Deserialization

Consider std::vector<T>. One possible representation of this is:

template <typename T>
class vector {
    T* begin_;
    size_t size_;
    size_t capacity_;

For our purposes it doesn’t matter if size_t and capacity_ are themselves size_t or T*, so I’m picking the simpler one to reason about.

The template-argument-equivalence rule for pointers is that two pointers are equivalent if they have the same pointer value. That’s not what we want for comparing two std::vector<T>s though, we want to compare the contents. In order for the default, subobject-wise equivalence to work in this case, we’d have to normalize the pointers to be identical. For std::vector<T> specifically, this is potentially feasible using a std::define_static_array function ([P3491R0]). But that’s not going to help us with std::map, std::list, or any other container.

For std::vector<T>, we really need to serialize a variable-length sequence of Ts.

As we already saw in the previous section, custom serialization (by which I mean serialization that isn’t simply serializing every subobject) can lead to ODR violations if two different objects serialize the same.

This is where deserialization comes in. We say that the template argument value that the user sees in code is the result of first serializing the value, and then passing that serialized state back into the class to construct a new value. Whatever the resulting value that we get out of deserialization, that is reliably the value of the template argument for all values of the original type that compare template-argument-equivalent to each other. We don’t have to worry about which of a bunch of possible specializations is chosen by the compiler/linker.

Deserialization actually implicitly does normalization — the roundtrip of a value through (de)serialization is normalized. But while ODR problems can be avoided by careful use of normalization, ODR problems are avoided entirely by construction if we require deserialization. That’s pretty appealing. And the process can have some added checks too! The compiler can perform one extra serialization step to ensure that:

serialize(deserialize(serialize(v))) === serialize(v)

This check ensures that the round-trip is sound by construction.

In the same way that serialization converts a value into a tuple of structural types, deserialization starts with that tuple of structural types and produces a possibly-new value of the original type:

And in the same way that serialization works recursively in a way that the compiler can take care of for you, deserialization could too. And it’s important that it work like this for the same reason. So a more complex diagram might be:

Note that the serialization logic produces M2 but the deserialization logic only sees M2′, without the class author having to worry about how to produce it.

2.4 Soundness

There are three approaches that are sound — that is, they avoid ODR issues.

  1. Subobject-wise serialization.
  2. Subobject-wise serialization with an initial normalization step.
  3. Custom serialization with custom deserialization.

Subobject-wise serialization alone (1) already gives us a tremendous amount of value (since this gives us std::tuple, std::optional, std::expected, std::variant, std::span, and std::string_view, among many other types) while still being sound, but we really need custom serialization/deserialization (3) to get the rest of the types (the containers). Allowing normalization (2) helps a small number of types avoid doing all the work that (3) would necessitate.

2.5 Original Design

The [P2484R0] design was a custom serialization/deserialization design. Given a class type C:

This approach does satisfy the overall goal of avoiding ODR issues (although the paper does not mention this at all), but the design had some issues.

For one, it doesn’t cleanly support the case where we just want member-wise template argument equivalence but our members happen to be private (the tuple/optional/variant cases). The paper tried to address this by allowing you to declare operator template() as defaulted, which doesn’t really seem semantically equivalent to the non-defaulted case. A defaulted copy constructor or comparison operator can be written by hand, if tediously, but a defaulted operator template would require you duplicating the whole type just to copy it?

Another problem it doesn’t clearly support variable-length data. How do we serialize std::vector<int>? std::string? The SmallString class from earlier? The paper kind of punted on this question, suggesting that maybe we just make std::vector<T> a structural type by fiat since the language can just know what it means. That’s not actually all that unreasonable, but it is a bit unsatisfying.

But it’s at least not a bad start. There’s a lot to like about this approach:

What I mean by the last point is: how do you define template argument equivalence for std::string_view? There’s really only one way to do it: as if it were a std::pair<char const*, size_t>. If you try to do it the other way (comparing the contents), you’ll run into problems on the deserialization side:

class string_view {
    // let's just simplify and ignore the template parameters
    char const* ptr_;
    size_t len_;

    // incorrect approach to serialization
    struct Repr { std::vector<char> v; };
    consteval auto operator template() const -> Repr {
        return Repr{.v=std::vector<char>(ptr_, ptr_ + len_)};

    // the only possible thing deserialization could do?
    consteval string_view(Repr r)
        : ptr_(r.data())
        , len_(r.size())
    { }

If we serialize the string_view as a vector<char>, the only way to deserialize would be to refer to the contents of that vector. Which immediately goes out of scope, and the compiler can detect that. ptr_ has to be a permitted result of a constant expression — basically that it has to point to something with static storage duration. And the transient constexpr allocation is not that. This error can be detected at compile time.

And that will push you to having the operator template implementation for string_view be just be defaulted — the correct implementation.

2.6 A Note on Spelling

The original design used an operator template function with a constructor. The original revision of this paper ([P3380R0]) continued the same thing, with a tagged constructor instead. Because the constructor will basically always have to be tagged, and should only ever be invoked by the compiler anyway, this proposal now suggests using to_meta_representation and a static from_meta_representation.

3 Reflection Will Fix It

One of the issues with the serialization problem that we had to deal with was: how exactly do you serialize? What representation do you return? And then how do you deserialize again? This was where we got stuck with types like std::vector (which needs variable-length representation) and even std::tuple (which has a simple answer for serialization but you don’t want to just create a whole new tuple type for this). Faisal Vali had the insight that reflection provides a very easy answer for this question: you serialize into (and then deserialize from) a range of std::meta::info!

At least, that’s what [P3380R0] did. A refinement of this is, rather than having the serialization function return a range of std::meta::info, we can accept a Serializer that can push a meta::info a Deserializer which can pop one. The proposed API for these types is:

Serialize Deserialize
namespace std::meta {

class serializer {
    vector<info> output; // exposition-only

    consteval auto push(info r) -> void {

    consteval auto size() const -> size_t {
        return output.size();

    template <class T>
    consteval auto push_value(T const& value) -> void {

    template <class T>
    consteval auto push_object(T const& object) -> void {

    template <class T>
    consteval auto push_subobjects(T const& obj) -> void {
        template for (constexpr auto M : subobjects_of(^^T)) {
            if (is_reference_type(type_of(M))) {
            } else {

    template <ranges::input_range R>
    consteval auto push_range(R&& r) -> void {
        for (auto&& elem : r) {

namespace std::meta {

class deserializer {
    vector<info> input; // exposition-only

    explicit consteval deserializer(serializer const& s)
        : input(s.output)
    { }

    consteval auto pop() -> info {
        auto r = input.back();
        return r;

    consteval auto size() const -> size_t {
        return input.size();

    template <class T>
    consteval auto pop_value() -> T {
        return extract<T>(pop());

    template <class T>
    consteval auto pop_from_subobjects() -> T {
        std::vector<info> rs;
        for (info _ : subobjects_of(^^T)) {

        // proposed in this paper
        return structural_cast<T>(rs);

    // Equivalent to:
    //      views::generate_n([this]{ return pop_value<T>(); }, size())
    // except that we don't have a views::generate_n yet.
    // But the point is to be an input-only range of T.
    template <class T>
    consteval auto into_range() -> unspecified;


Strictly speaking, the only necessary functions are the push that takes a std::meta::info and the pop that returns one. But the added convenience functions are a big ergonomic benefit, as I’ll show.

With that in mind, let’s start with SmallString again. We wanted to serialize just the objects in data[0:length], which is just matter of push()-ing those elements. Then, when we deserialize, we extract those values back, knowing that they are all chars.

Using the bare minimum push() and pop() API, that looks like this:

class SmallString {
    char data[32];
    int length;

    consteval auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer& s) const -> void {
        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {

    static consteval auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer& ds)
        -> SmallString
        auto str = SmallString();
        str.length = ds.size();
        std::ranges::fill(str.data, '\0'); // ensure we zero the data first
        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            str.data[i] = extract<char>(ds.pop());
        return str;

Which if we used the typed APIs (push_value and pop_value) directly, it’s a little simpler:

class SmallString {
    char data[32];
    int length;

    consteval auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer& s) const -> void {
        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {

    static consteval auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer& ds)
        -> SmallString
        auto str = SmallString();
        str.length = ds.size();
        std::ranges::fill(str.data, '\0'); // ensure we zero the data first
        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            str.data[i] = ds.pop_value<char>();
        return str;

And lastly the range-based API becomes simpler still:

class SmallString {
    char data[32];
    int length;

    consteval auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer& s) const -> void {

    static consteval auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer& ds)
        -> SmallString
        auto str = SmallString();
        str.length = ds.size();
        std::ranges::fill(str.data, '\0'); // ensure we zero the data first
        std::ranges::copy(ds.into_range<char>(), str.data);
        return str;

And this pattern works just as well for std::vector<T>, which truly requires variable length contents. I’ll just skip straight to the range-based API:

template <typename T>
class vector {
    T* begin_;
    size_t size_;
    size_t capacity_;

    consteval auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer& s) const -> void {

    static consteval auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer& ds)
        -> vector
        vector v;
        v.begin_ = std::allocator<T>::allocate(ds.size());
        v.capacity_ = ds.size();
        v.size_ = v.capacity_;
        return v;

One additional point of interest here is that, while this didn’t matter for SmalString, in the vector<T> example we are round-tripping through reflect_value and extract for arbitrary (structural) T. This round-trip also needs to do the custom serialization and deserialization for T if that’s what the user wants, and will happen automatically without the class author having to do anything.

This approach seems particularly nice in that it handles these disparate cases, without having to special-case std::vector.

Let’s go through some of the other types we mentioned. For Optional we could conditionally serialize the value:

template <typename T>
class Optional {
    union { T value; };
    bool engaged;

    consteval auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer& s) const -> void {
        if (engaged) {

    static consteval auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer& ds)
        -> Optional
        if (ds.size()) {
            return Optional(ds.pop_value<T>());
        } else {
            return Optional();

But having to manually serialize and deserialize all the elements of a Tuple is pretty tedious:

template <typename... Ts>
class Tuple {
    // let's assume this syntax works (because the details are not important here)
    Ts... elems;

    consteval auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer& s) const -> void {
        template for (constexpr auto mem : nonstatic_data_members_of(^^Tuple) {
            // references and pointers have different rules for
            // template-argument-equivalence, and thus we need to
            // capture those differences... differently
            if (is_reference_type(type_of(mem))) {
            } else {

    static consteval auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer& ds)
        -> Tuple
        return Tuple(std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Ts)>(), ds)

    template <size_t... Is, class D>
    consteval Tuple(index_sequence<Is...>,
                    std::meta::deserializer& ds)
        : elems(ds.pop_value<Ts>())...
    { }

Cool. This is… a lot. Not only is it a lot of decidedly non-trivial code to write, it’s a lot of code that doesn’t really do all that much. We’re just doing the default member-wise equivalence here. On the one hand, it’s good that we can do this. But it’s not really great that we have to.

To aid in this endeavor, on the push() side it’s easy to provide a push_subobjects convenience functions that just does the right thing with all of the subobjects. But on the pop() side you’d want the same thing. There’s no such equivalent facility on the deserialization side, since we’d need to be able to directly construct an object of type T from reflections of values or objects of suitable type. Even if there may not be such a constructor available! To solve this problem, let’s add a new function for this specific case. This is the structural_cast<T> that I showed above in the implementation of pop_from_subobjects.

That allows this much simpler implementation for Optional and Tuple:

template <typename T>
class Optional {
    union { T value; };
    bool engaged;

    consteval auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer& s) const -> void {

    static consteval auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer& ds)
        -> Optional
        return ds.pop_from_subobjects<Optional>();

template <typename... Ts>
class Tuple {
    Ts... elems;

    consteval auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer& s) const -> void {

    static consteval auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer& ds)
        -> Tuple
        return ds.pop_from_subobjects<Tuple>();

But… doing subobject-wise serialization is the default, right? So maybe we should just be able to say that explicitly:

template <typename T>
class Optional {
    union { T value; };
    bool engaged;

    auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer&) const = default;
    static auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer&) = default;

template <typename... Ts>
class Tuple {
    Ts... elems;

    auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer&) const = default;
    static auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer&) = default;

3.1 Proposed Usage Examples

Putting everything together, here is the proposed usage of this facility for opting Optional, Tuple, SmallString, and Vector to be structural types:

template <typename T>
class Optional {
    union { T value; };
    bool engaged;

    auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer&) const = default;
    static auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer&) = default;

template <typename... Ts>
class Tuple {
    Ts... elems;

    auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer&) const = default;
    static auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer&) = default;

class SmallString {
    char data[32];
    int length;

    consteval auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer& s) const -> void {

    static consteval auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer& ds)
        -> SmallString
        auto str = SmallString();
        str.length = ds.size();
        std::ranges::fill(str.data, '\0');
        std::ranges::copy(ds.into_range<char>(), str.data);
        return str;

template <typename T>
class Vector {
    T* begin_;
    size_t size_;
    size_t capacity_;

    consteval auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer& s) const -> void {

    static consteval auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer& ds)
        -> Vector
        Vector v;
        v.begin_ = std::allocator<T>::allocate(ds.size());
        v.capacity_ = ds.size();
        v.size_ = v.capacity_;
        return v;

That seems pretty clean. All of these implementations are about as minimal as you could get. Optional and Tuple simply have to default two functions. Vector and SmallString have a single-line serializer and a fairly short deserializer.

3.2 Template-Argument Equivalence

For template-argument equivalence, we can say that two values of class type C that has a direct to_meta_representation member are template-argument-equivalent if:

consteval auto template_argument_equivalent(C const& a, C const& b) -> bool {
    std::meta::serializer sa, sb;
    return sa.output == sb.output;

That is, two values are template-argument-equivalent if they serialize equal reflections (which would recursively check template-argument-equivalence, as necessary).

3.3 Normalization

The current rule for constructing the template parameter object is that we just initialize a new object of type const C. But if a class type provides a direct to_meta_represention, then instead of performing the equivalent of:

const C object = C(init);

We would do a round-trip:

const C object = []{
    auto c = C(init);
    auto s = std::meta::serializer();

    auto ds = std::meta::deserializer(s);
    return C::from_meta_representation(ds);

Note that, as a sanity check, the implementation could do a second serialization round after the round-trip, do ensure that both the original and new values produce the same serialization.

We will also have to adjust std::meta::reflect_value() to also do this normalization. Which means:

struct Fraction {
    int numerator;
    int denominator;

    auto operator==(Fraction const&) const -> bool = default;

    consteval auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer& s) const -> void {
        // serialize in lowest terms
        auto g = std::gcd(numerator, denominator);
        s.push_back(numerator / g);
        s.push_back(denominator / g);

    // defaulted from_meta_representation does the right thing
    // (even though our to_meta_representation is custom)
    auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer&) = default;

// round-tripping through reflect_value and extract normalizes
static_assert(extract<Fraction>(reflect_value(Fraction{2, 4})) == Fraction{1, 2});

3.4 Allowing Templates

The examples here all show regular functions for the template serialization and deserialization functions:

template <typename T>
class Vector {
    consteval auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer&) const -> void;
    static consteval auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer&) -> Vector;

But it’s nice to also allow these to be declared as templates. Especially in the context of defaulting:

template <typename... Ts>
class Tuple {
    Ts... elems;

    auto to_meta_representation(auto&) const = default;
    static auto from_meta_representation(auto&) = default;

The reason for this is that it allows library code that doesn’t otherwise do any reflection stuff to avoid having to #include <meta>. The implementation can figure it out.

4 Proposal

This proposal extends class types as non-type parameters as follows. This isn’t exactly Core wording, but does contain something akin to wording because I think that might be a clearer way to express the idea.

4.1 Language

The language proposal is divided into several parts.

4.1.1 Template Serialization and Deserialization Functions

A class type T can provide a template serialization function, to_meta_representation, that must be of the forms:

// non-static const member function
consteval auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer&) const -> void;

// non-static const function template template
consteval auto to_meta_representation(auto&) const -> void;

This function can also be declared as defaulted, in which case every base class and non-static data member shall have structural type. The default implementation is:

consteval auto to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer& s) const -> void {

If a class type T provides a template serialization function to_meta_representation, it must also then provide a template deserialization function from_meta_representation, that must be of the forms:

// static member function
static consteval auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer&) -> T;

// static member function template
static consteval auto from_meta_representation(auto&) -> T;

This function can also be declared as defaulted. The default implementation is:

static consteval auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer& ds) -> T {
    assert(ds.size() == subobjects_of(^^T).size());
    return ds.pop_from_subobjects<T>();

We’ll say that T has an eligible template serialization function if it provides to_meta_representation as a direct member of the allowed forms (possibly-defaulted), and that T has an eligible template deserialization function if it provides from_meta_representation as a direct static member of the allowed forms (possibly-defaulted).

4.1.2 Extend the definition of structural

We extend the definition of structural (here it’s either the first bullet or both of the next two — the additional rules on template registration functions will be covered in their own section):

a A class type C is an explicitly structural class type if:

  • (a.1) C has an eligible template serialization function,
  • (a.2) C has an eligible template deserialization function, and
  • (a.3) no direct or indirect non-static data member of C is mutable.

b A class type C is an implicitly structural class type if:

  • (b.1) all base classes and non-static data member of C are public and non-mutable,
  • (b.2) the types of all base classes and non-static data members of C are structural types (see below),
  • (b.3) C does not have an eligible template serialization function, and
  • (b.4) C does not have an eligible template deserialization function.

7 A structural type is one of the following:

  • (7.1) a scalar type, or
  • (7.2) an lvalue reference type, or
  • (7.2b) an array type whose element type is structural, or
  • (7.3) a literal class type with the following properties: that is either an explicitly structural class type or an implicitly structural class type.
    • (7.3.1) all base classes and non-static data members are public and non-mutable and
    • (7.3.2) the types of all bases classes and non-static data members are structural types or (possibly multidimensional) array thereof.

4.1.3 Template Argument Normalization

We introduce the concept of template argument normalization (status quo so far is that template-argument-normalization is a no-op for all types) and allow string literal template arguments:

A value v of structural type T is template-argument-normalized as follows:

  • 1 If v is a pointer (or reference) to a string literal or subobject thereof, then let v be S + O (or S[O], for a reference), where S is that string literal and O is some non-negative offset. Then v is normalized to define_static_string(S) + O (or define_static_string(S)[O], for a reference). See [P3491R0].
  • 2 Otherwise, if T is a scalar type or an lvalue reference type, nothing is done.
  • 3 Otherwise, if T is an array type, every element of the array is template-argument-normalized.
  • 4 Otherwise (if T is a class type), then
    • (4.1) If T is an explicitly structural class type, then v is normalized via:

      consteval auto NORMALIZE(T const& v) -> T {
          auto s = std::meta::serializer();
          auto ds = std::meta::deserializer(s);
          return T::from_meta_representation(ds);
    • (4.2) Otherwise (if T is an implicitly structural class type), every subobject of v is template-argument-normalized.

and 13.4.3 [temp.arg.nontype]/6.2:

6 For a non-type template-parameter of reference or pointer type, or for each non-static data member of reference or pointer type in a non-type template-parameter of class type or subobject thereof, the reference or pointer value shall not refer or point to (respectively):

  • (6.1) a temporary object ([class.temporary]),
  • (6.2) a string literal object ([lex.string]),
  • (6.3) the result of a typeid expression ([expr.typeid]),
  • (6.4) a predefined __func__ variable ([dcl.fct.def.general]), or
  • (6.5) a subobject ([intro.object]) of one of the above.

Ensure that when initializing a non-type template parameter that we perform template-argument-normalization. That’s in 13.4.3 [temp.arg.nontype]:

4 If T is a class type, a template parameter object ([temp.param]) exists that is constructed so as to be template-argument-equivalent to v after it is template-argument-normalized; P denotes that template parameter object. […]

5 Otherwise, the value of P is that of v after it is template-argument-normalized.

4.1.4 Update std::meta::reflect_value()

Third, we change the meaning of std::meta::reflect_value in [P2996R7] to perform template-argument-normalization on its argument:

template <typename T>
  consteval info reflect_value(const T& expr);

3 Returns: A reflection of the value computed by an lvalue-to-rvalue conversion applied to expr after being template-argument-normalized. The type of the represented value is the cv-unqualified version of T.

4.1.5 Template-Argument-Equivalence

Note that two values of type std::meta::info that represent values compare equal if those values are template-argument-equivalent, so this definition is properly recursive. Also note that normalization will have already happened. This is in 13.6 [temp.type]

2 Two values are template-argument-equivalent if they are of the same type and […]

  • (2.11) they are of class type T and

    • (2.11.1) If T is an explicitly structural class type, then the values v1 and v2 are template-argument-equivalent if std::ranges::equal(s1.output, s2.output) is true, with s1 and s2 populated as follows:

      std::meta::serializer s1, s2;
    • (2.11.2) Otherwise (if T is an implicitly structural class type), if their corresponding direct subobjects and reference members are template-argument-equivalent.

4.2 Library

Add a new type trait for std::is_structural, which we will need to provide constrained template registration functions (a real use, as [LWG3354] requested).

Add a defaulted to_meta_representation and from_meta_representation (that is, the default subobject-wise serialization with no normalization):

void to_meta_representation(std::meta::serializer&) = default;
static auto from_meta_representation(std::meta::deserializer&) = default;

to all of the following library types, suitably constrained:

There may need to be some wording similar to what we have for in [pairs.pair]/4 right now:

4 pair<T, U> is a structural type ([temp.param]) if T and U are both structural types. Two values p1 and p2 of type pair<T, U> are template-argument-equivalent ([temp.type]) if and only if p1.first and p2.first are template-argument-equivalent and p1.second and p2.second are template-argument-equivalent.

Introduce the new reflection function std::meta::structural_cast<T> that produces a new value of type T given reflections of all the subobjects:

template<reflection_range R = initializer_list<info>>
  consteval T structural_cast(R&&);

And introduce the serializer and deserializer types:

namespace std::meta {
    class serializer
        vector<info> output; // exposition-only

        consteval auto push(std::meta::info r) -> void {
        consteval auto size() const -> size_t {
            return output.size();

        template <class T>
        consteval auto push_value(T const& value) -> void {

        template <class T>
        consteval auto push_object(T const& object) -> void {

        template <class T>
        consteval auto push_subobjects(T const& obj) -> void {
            template for (constexpr auto M : subobjects_of(^^T)) {
                if (is_reference_type(type_of(M))) {
                } else {

        template <std::ranges::input_range R>
        consteval auto push_range(R&& r) -> void {
            for (auto&& elem : r) {

    class deserializer
        vector<info> input; // exposition-only

        explicit consteval deserializer(const serializer& s)
            : input(s.output)
        { }

        consteval auto pop() -> std::meta::info {
            info r = input.back();
            return r;

        consteval auto size() const -> size_t {
            return input.size();

        template <class T>
        consteval auto pop_value() -> T {
            return extract<T>(pop());

        template <class T>
        consteval auto pop_from_subobjects() -> T {
            std::vector<std::meta::info> rs;
            for (std::meta::info _ : subobjects_of(^^T)) {

            // proposed in this paper
            return std::meta::structural_cast<T>(rs);

        // Equivalent to:
        //      views::generate_n([this]{ return pop_value<T>(); }, size())
        // except that we don't have a views::generate_n yet.
        // But the point is to be an input-only range of T
        template <class T>
        consteval auto into_range() -> unspecified;

5 Acknowledgements

Thanks to Richard Smith and Davis Herring for all the work in this space. Thanks to Jeff Snyder for originally seeing how to solve this problem (even if we didn’t end up using his original solution). Thanks to Faisal Vali, Daveed Vandevoorde, and Peter Dimov for working through a solution.

6 References

[LWG3354] Daniel Krügler. has_strong_structural_equality has a meaningless definition.
[P0424R2] Louis Dionne, Hana Dusíková. 2017-11-14. String literals as non-type template parameters.
[P0732R2] Jeff Snyder, Louis Dionne. 2018-06-06. Class Types in Non-Type Template Parameters.
[P1907R0] Jens Maurer. 2019-10-07. Inconsistencies with non-type template parameters.
[P1907R1] Jens Maurer. 2019-11-08. Inconsistencies with non-type template parameters.
[P2484R0] Richard Smith. 2021-11-17. Extending class types as non-type template parameters.
[P2996R7] Barry Revzin, Wyatt Childers, Peter Dimov, Andrew Sutton, Faisal Vali, Daveed Vandevoorde, Dan Katz. 2024-10-13. Reflection for C++26.
[P3380R0] Barry Revzin. 2024-09-10. Extending support for class types as non-type template parameters.
[P3491R0] Peter Dimov, Dan Katz, Barry Revzin, and Daveed Vandevoorde. 2024-11-03. define_static_string and define_static_array.