Adding functionality to placeholder types

Document #: P3171R1
Date: 2024-06-04
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: LEWG
Reply-to: Peter Dimov
Barry Revzin

1 Introduction

As noted in [P2760R0], there are a lot of function objects for operators in the standard library, but several operators are missing. This paper proposes to add the functionality for all the missing operators, but to also do it in a different way than simply by adding function objects.

[Boost.Lambda2] is a Boost library (written by Peter) which makes it possible to write very terse, simple operations, by building upon the std::bind machinery. When Barry was implementing std::views::zip [P2321R2], a range adaptor whose implementation requires forwarding various operators across a tuple, Boost.Lambda2 provided a very nice way to implement those operations. Here is a comparison between a hand-written lambda solution, function objects, and the placeholder solution that Lambda2 offers:

Handwritten Lambdas Named Function Objects Boost.Lambda2
auto operator*() const {
  return tuple_transform(current_,
    [](auto& it) -> decltype(auto) {
      return *it;
auto operator*() const {
  return tuple_transform(current_,
auto operator*() const {
  return tuple_transform(current_, *_1);
auto operator++() -> iterator& {
    [](auto& it) { ++it; });
  return *this;
auto operator++() -> iterator& {
  return *this;
auto operator++() -> iterator& {
  tuple_for_each(current_, ++_1);
  return *this;

It’s not just that the Lambda2 alternatives are overwhelmingly terser (it’s very hard to beat 3 characters for the dereference operation, especially compared to the handwritten lambda that must use -> decltype(auto) and is thus 46 characters long), they more directly express exactly the work being done.

Lambda2 also offers a more expressive way of doing common predicates, even in the case where the named function object already exists. Let’s take an example where you want to write a predicate for if the argument is negative (an example Barry previously wrote about on his blog here), there are several ways to do it:

// hand-written lambda (28 characters)
[](auto e) { return e < 0; }

// attempting to use std::less{} (19 characters, but... uh...)
bind(less{}, _1, 0)

// Boost.Lambda2 (6 characters)
_1 < 0

It also allows for an approach to address the question of projections. Let’s say that rather than finding a negative number, we want to find a Point whose x coordinate is negative:

// hand-written lambda (30 characters)
find_if(points, [](Point p){ return p.x < 0; })

// Boost.Lambda 2 (18 characters)
find_if(points, _1->*&Point::x < 0)

Or if the x coordinate is 0:

// hand-written lambda (31 characters)
find_if(points, [](Point p){ return p.x == 0; })

// using projection (12 characters, but cryptic)
find(points, 0, &Point::x);

// Boost.Lambda 2 (19 characters)
find_if(points, _1->*&Point::x == 0)

Note that this latter usage could be improved significantly with something like [P0060R0], which would actually allow for writing the predicate _1.x == 0. Which is difficult to beat.

You can see more examples in the [Boost.Lambda2] docs.

2 Proposal

We propose to solve the issue of missing operator function objects in the standard library, as well as less-than-ergonomic lambda syntax for common predicates, by standardizing Boost.Lambda2. That is not a large proposal. The standard library already provides placeholders, std::placeholders::_1 and friends. The standard library also already provides std::bind, which is already implemented in a way that supports composition of bind expressions. All we need to do is add operators.

We additionally add the missing operator function objects. Now, most of the missing operator function objects and placeholder operators are easy enough to add, except one: taking an object’s address.

2.1 Dealing with &x

Now, this particular operator has two problems. First, making &_1 work requires overload unary operator&() and that seems particularly questionable, even in cases like this. And in order to make this broadly useful, we couldn’t just overload it as a member function, it’d have to be a non-member - to support things like &*_1 or any other combination of operations (which is part of the value of Lambda2). That’s a bit too much code for having &x not actually mean address-of.

We could potentially address this problem by adding in a function like std::placeholders::addr(x) to mean addressof, so that instead of the cute &_1 syntax you’d have to write addr(_1), which doesn’t have any issues with &. Note that we cannot call this function addressof because while addressof(_1) would be okay, addressof(addressof(_1)) would become ambiguous (unless we also change std::addressof, as we’re about to discuss).

Second, the obvious name for a function object taking the address of an object would be std::addressof - but that already exists, as a function template. We cannot change std::addressof to be a type - that would break all code that uses it. We could potentially change it to be an object - that would break only ADL uses of it, but given the nature of std::addressof those seem pretty unlikely to be common, so it’s potentially a feasible route to take. It would also allow _1->*std::addressof (in the absence of addr(_1) or similar formulation) as a short-ish way of expressing this.

For now, we’re going to punt on both problems and simply not support either a terse addressof on placeholders or providing an addressof function object.

2.2 Additional Details

Boost.Lambda2 additionally provides two helper function objects: first and second, such that _1->*first gives you the first element of the type (as by std::get<0>) and _1->*second gives you the second. This is done by just providing function objects that perform these operations, similar to the proposed get_key and get_value [P2769R1].

Also, while most operators take forwarding references, there are two additional overloads of >> and << which are special-cased such that operations like std::cout << _1 work and capture std::cout by reference. The special-casing is necessary because otherwise std::cout would be captured by value, which is not allowed, and users would have to write std::ref(std::cout) << _1.

We propose the new function objects as transparent, non-templated types. This follows the precedent of compare_three_way.

2.3 Placeholder Associated Namespaces

Due to the way name lookup in the presence of using directives works, for the operators to be reliably found, placeholders and bind expressions (the types returned from std::bind) need to have std::placeholders as an associated namespace, even if using namespace std::placeholders; is in effect.

This already happens to be true (by chance) under libc++, where _1 is of type std::placeholders::__ph<1>, and std::bind(f, _1) is of type std::__bind<void(&)(int), std::placeholders::__ph<1> const&>. It’s however not true for libstdc++ (std::_Placeholder<1> and std::_Bind<void(*)(int)(std::_Placeholder<1>)>, respectively) or MSSTL (std::_Ph<1> and std::_Binder<std::_Unforced,void (__cdecl&)(int),std::_Ph<1> const &>).

Since the types of the standard placeholders and the bind expressions produced by std::bind are deliberately left unspecified by the standard, it would be conforming for implementations to change the types of e.g. _1 to either refer to a type in std::placeholders, or otherwise have std::placeholders as the associated namespace. Their old types can be retained for compatibility, and will continue to work because std::is_placeholder is specialized for them. (The same holds for the return type of std::bind, if it’s changed to also have std::placeholders as the associated namespace in the unlikely event of users wanting to do something like std::bind(f, 1) == std::bind(g, 1).)

At the moment we don’t yet propose formal wording for this associated namespace requirement, because we aren’t sure whether we need one, or if we do, what form will be preferred.

2.4 Implementation Experience

Has been shipping in Boost since 1.77 (August 2021).

2.5 Wording

Extend 22.10.2 [functional.syn] to add the additional function objects:

namespace std {

  // ...

  // [bitwise.operations], bitwise operations
  template<class T = void> struct bit_and;                                          // freestanding
  template<class T = void> struct bit_or;                                           // freestanding
  template<class T = void> struct bit_xor;                                          // freestanding
  template<class T = void> struct bit_not;                                          // freestanding
  template<> struct bit_and<void>;                                                  // freestanding
  template<> struct bit_or<void>;                                                   // freestanding
  template<> struct bit_xor<void>;                                                  // freestanding
  template<> struct bit_not<void>;                                                  // freestanding

+ // [additional.operations], additional transparent operations
+ struct subscript;                                                                 // freestanding
+ struct left_shift;                                                                // freestanding
+ struct right_shift;                                                               // freestanding
+ struct unary_plus;                                                                // freestanding
+ struct dereference;                                                               // freestanding
+ struct increment;                                                                 // freestanding
+ struct decrement;                                                                 // freestanding
+ struct postfix_increment;                                                         // freestanding
+ struct postfix_decrement;                                                         // freestanding
+ // [compound.operations], compound assignment operations
+ struct plus_equal;                                                                // freestanding
+ struct minus_equal;                                                               // freestanding
+ struct multiplies_equal;                                                          // freestanding
+ struct divides_equal;                                                             // freestanding
+ struct modulus_equal;                                                             // freestanding
+ struct bit_and_equal;                                                             // freestanding
+ struct bit_or_equal;                                                              // freestanding
+ struct bit_xor_equal;                                                             // freestanding
+ struct left_shift_equal;                                                          // freestanding
+ struct right_shift_equal;                                                         // freestanding

  // ...


Extend 22.10.2 [functional.syn] to add operators:

namespace std {
  // ...
  namespace placeholders {
    // M is the implementation-defined number of placeholders
    see below _1;                                                                   // freestanding
    see below _2;                                                                   // freestanding
    see below _M;                                                                   // freestanding

+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator+(A&&, B&&);                  // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator-(A&&, B&&);                  // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator*(A&&, B&&);                  // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator/(A&&, B&&);                  // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator%(A&&, B&&);                  // freestanding
+   template<class A> constexpr auto operator-(A&&);                                // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator==(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator!=(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator<(A&&, B&&);                  // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator>(A&&, B&&);                  // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator<=(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator>=(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator<=>(A&&, B&&);                // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator&&(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator||(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A> constexpr auto operator!(A&&);                                // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator&(A&&, B&&);                  // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator|(A&&, B&&);                  // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator^(A&&, B&&);                  // freestanding
+   template<class A> constexpr auto operator~(A&&);                                // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator<<(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator<<(A&, B&&);                  // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator>>(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator>>(A&, B&&);                  // freestanding
+   template<class A> constexpr auto operator+(A&&);                                // freestanding
+   template<class A> constexpr auto operator*(A&&);                                // freestanding
+   template<class A> constexpr auto operator++(A&&);                               // freestanding
+   template<class A> constexpr auto operator--(A&&);                               // freestanding
+   template<class A> constexpr auto operator++(A&&, int);                          // freestanding
+   template<class A> constexpr auto operator--(A&&, int);                          // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator+=(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator-=(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator*=(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator/=(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator%=(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator&=(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator|=(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator^=(A&&, B&&);                 // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator<<=(A&&, B&&);                // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator>>=(A&&, B&&);                // freestanding
+   template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator->*(A&&, B&&);                // freestanding
+   inline constexpr unspecified first = unspecified;                               // freestanding
+   inline constexpr unspecified second = unspecifeid;                              // freestanding
  // ...

Add two new sections after 22.10.11 [bitwise.operations]:

Additional operations [additional.operations]

Class subscript [additional.operations.subscript]

struct subscript {
  template<class T, class... U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&&... u) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t)[std::forward<U>(u)...]);

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
  -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t)[std::forward<U>(u)]);

1 Returns: std::forward<T>(t)[std::forward<U>(u)].

Class left_shift [additional.operations.left_shift]

struct left_shift {
  template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) << std::forward<U>(u));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
  -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) << std::forward<U>(u));

1 Returns: std::forward<T>(t) << std::forward<U>(u).

Class right_shift [additional.operations.right_shift]

struct right_shift {
  template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) >> std::forward<U>(u));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
  -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) >> std::forward<U>(u));

1 Returns: std::forward<T>(t) >> std::forward<U>(u).

Class unary_plus [additional.operations.unary_plus]

struct unary_plus {
  template<class T> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t) const
    -> decltype(+std::forward<T>(t));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t) const
  -> decltype(+std::forward<T>(t));

1 Returns: +std::forward<T>(t).

Class dereference [additional.operations.dereference]

struct dereference {
  template<class T> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t) const
    -> decltype(*std::forward<T>(t));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t) const
  -> decltype(*std::forward<T>(t));

1 Returns: *std::forward<T>(t).

Class increment [additional.operations.increment]

struct increment {
  template<class T> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t) const
    -> decltype(++std::forward<T>(t));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t) const
  -> decltype(++std::forward<T>(t));

1 Returns: ++std::forward<T>(t).

Class decrement [additional.operations.decrement]

struct decrement {
  template<class T> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t) const
    -> decltype(--std::forward<T>(t));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t) const
  -> decltype(--std::forward<T>(t));

1 Returns: --std::forward<T>(t).

Class postfix_increment [additional.operations.postfix_increment]

struct postfix_increment {
  template<class T> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t)++);

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t) const
  -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t)++);

1 Returns: std::forward<T>(t)++.

Class postfix_decrement [additional.operations.postfix_decrement]

struct postfix_decrement {
  template<class T> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t)--);

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t) const
  -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t)--);

1 Returns: std::forward<T>(t)--.

Compound assignment operations [compound.operations]

Class plus_equal [compound.operations.plus_equal]

struct plus_equal {
  template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) += std::forward<U>(u));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
  -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) += std::forward<U>(u));

1 Returns: std::forward<T>(t) += std::forward<U>(u).

Class minus_equal [compound.operations.minus_equal]

struct minus_equal {
  template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) -= std::forward<U>(u));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
  -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) -= std::forward<U>(u));

1 Returns: std::forward<T>(t) -= std::forward<U>(u).

Class multiplies_equal [compound.operations.multiplies_equal]

struct multiplies_equal {
  template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) *= std::forward<U>(u));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
  -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) *= std::forward<U>(u));

1 Returns: std::forward<T>(t) *= std::forward<U>(u).

Class divides_equal [compound.operations.divides_equal]

struct divides_equal {
  template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) /= std::forward<U>(u));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
  -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) /= std::forward<U>(u));

1 Returns: std::forward<T>(t) /= std::forward<U>(u).

Class modulus_equal [compound.operations.modulus_equal]

struct modulus_equal {
  template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) %= std::forward<U>(u));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
  -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) %= std::forward<U>(u));

1 Returns: std::forward<T>(t) %= std::forward<U>(u).

Class bit_and_equal [compound.operations.bit_and_equal]

struct bit_and_equal {
  template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) &= std::forward<U>(u));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
  -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) &= std::forward<U>(u));

1 Returns: std::forward<T>(t) &= std::forward<U>(u).

Class bit_or_equal [compound.operations.bit_or_equal]

struct bit_or_equal {
  template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) |= std::forward<U>(u));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
  -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) |= std::forward<U>(u));

1 Returns: std::forward<T>(t) |= std::forward<U>(u).

Class bit_xor_equal [compound.operations.bit_xor_equal]

struct bit_xor_equal {
  template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) ^= std::forward<U>(u));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
  -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) ^= std::forward<U>(u));

1 Returns: std::forward<T>(t) ^= std::forward<U>(u).

Class left_shift_equal [compound.operations.left_shift_equal]

struct left_shift_equal {
  template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) <<= std::forward<U>(u));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
  -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) <<= std::forward<U>(u));

1 Returns: std::forward<T>(t) <<= std::forward<U>(u).

Class right_shift_equal [compound.operations.right_shift_equal]

struct right_shift_equal {
  template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) >>= std::forward<U>(u));

  using is_transparent = unspecified;
template<class T, class U> constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
  -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) >>= std::forward<U>(u));

1 Returns: std::forward<T>(t) >>= std::forward<U>(u).

Extend []:

namespace std::placeholders {
  // M is the number of placeholders
+ template <int J>
+ struct placeholder { // exposition only
+   template <class... Args>
+     constexpr decltype(auto) operator()(Args&&... ) const noexcept;
+  template <class... T>
+    constexpr auto operator[](T&&...) const;
+ };

  see below _1;
  see below _2;
  see below _M;

1 The number M of placeholders is implementation-defined.

2 All placeholder types meet the Cpp17DefaultConstructible and Cpp17CopyConstructible requirements, and their default constructors and copy/move constructors are constexpr functions that do not throw exceptions. It is implementation-defined whether placeholder types meet the Cpp17CopyAssignable requirements, but if so, their copy assignment operators are constexpr functions that do not throw exceptions.

3 Placeholders should be defined as:

- inline constexpr unspecified _1{};
+ inline constexpr placeholder<1> _1{};

If they are not, they are declared as:

- extern unspecified _1;
+ extern placeholder<1> _1;

4 Placeholders are freestanding items ([freestanding.item]).

template <int J>
template <class... Args>
decltype(auto) placeholder<J>::operator()(Args&&... args) const noexcept;

5 Constraints: sizeof...(Args) >= J is true.

6 Returns: std::forward<Args>(args)...[J - 1].

template <int J>
template <class... T>
auto placeholder<J>::operator[](T&&... t) const;

7 Returns: bind(subscript(), *this, std::forward<T>(t)...).

8 Each operator function declared in this clause is constrained on at least one of the parameters having a type T which satisfies is_placeholder_v<remove_cvref_t<T>> || is_bind_expression_v<remove_cvref_t<T>> is true.

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator+(A&& a, B&& b);

9 Returns: bind(plus<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator-(A&& a, B&& b);

10 Returns: bind(minus<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator*(A&& a, B&& b);

11 Returns: bind(multiplies<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator/(A&& a, B&& b);

12 Returns: bind(divides<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator%(A&& a, B&& b);

13 Returns: bind(modulus<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A> constexpr auto operator-(A&& a);

14 Returns: bind(negate<>(), std::forward<A>(a)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator==(A&& a, B&& b);

15 Returns: bind(equal_to<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator!=(A&& a, B&& b);

16 Returns: bind(not_equal_to<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator<(A&& a, B&& b);

17 Returns: bind(less<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator>(A&& a, B&& b);

18 Returns: bind(greater<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator<=(A&& a, B&& b);

19 Returns: bind(less_equal<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator>=(A&& a, B&& b);

20 Returns: bind(greater_equal<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator<=>(A&& a, B&& b);

21 Returns: bind(compare_three_way(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator&&(A&& a, B&& b);

22 Returns: bind(logical_and<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator||(A&& a, B&& b);

23 Returns: bind(logical_or<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A> constexpr auto operator!(A&& a);

24 Returns: bind(logical_not<>(), std::forward<A>(a)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator&(A&& a, B&& b);

25 Returns: bind(bit_and<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator|(A&& a, B&& b);

26 Returns: bind(bit_or<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator^(A&& a, B&& b);

27 Returns: bind(bit_xor<>(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A> constexpr auto operator~(A&& a);

28 Returns: bind(bit_not<>(), std::forward<A>(a)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator<<(A&& a, B&& b);

29 Constraints: is_base_of_v<ios_base, remove_cvref_t<A>> is false.

30 Returns: bind(left_shift(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator<<(A& a, B&& b);

31 Constraints: is_base_of_v<ios_base, remove_cvref_t<A>> is true.

32 Returns: bind(left_shift(), ref(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

33 Note 1: This overload allows expressions like std::cout << _1 << '\n' to work. — end note ]

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator>>(A&& a, B&& b);

34 Constraints: is_base_of_v<ios_base, remove_cvref_t<A>> is false.

35 Returns: bind(right_shift(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator>>(A& a, B&& b);

36 Constraints: is_base_of_v<ios_base, remove_cvref_t<A>> is true.

37 Returns: bind(right_shift(), ref(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A> constexpr auto operator+(A&& a);

38 Returns: bind(unary_plus(), std::forward<A>(a)).

template<class A> constexpr auto operator*(A&& a);

39 Returns: bind(dereference(), std::forward<A>(a)).

template<class A> constexpr auto operator++(A&& a);

40 Returns: bind(increment(), std::forward<A>(a)).

template<class A> constexpr auto operator--(A&& a);

41 Returns: bind(decrement(), std::forward<A>(a)).

template<class A> constexpr auto operator++(A&& a, int);

42 Returns: bind(postfix_increment(), std::forward<A>(a)).

template<class A> constexpr auto operator--(A&& a, int);

43 Returns: bind(postfix_decrement(), std::forward<A>(a)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator+=(A&& a, B&& b);

44 Returns: bind(plus_equal(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator-=(A&& a, B&& b);

45 Returns: bind(minus_equal(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator*=(A&& a, B&& b);

46 Returns: bind(multiplies_equal(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator/=(A&& a, B&& b);

47 Returns: bind(divides_equal(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator%=(A&& a, B&& b);

48 Returns: bind(modulus_equal(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator&=(A&& a, B&& b);

49 Returns: bind(bit_and_equal(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator|=(A&& a, B&& b);

50 Returns: bind(bit_or_equal(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator^=(A&& a, B&& b);

51 Returns: bind(bit_xor_equal(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator<<=(A&& a, B&& b);

52 Returns: bind(left_shift_equal(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator>>=(A&& a, B&& b);

53 Returns: bind(right_shift_equal(), std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b)).

template<class A, class B> constexpr auto operator->*(A&& a, B&& b);

54 Returns: bind(std::forward<B>(b), std::forward<A>(a)).

55 The name first denotes a customization point object ([customization.point.object]). Given a subexpression E:

  • (55.1) If E has class or enumeration type and get<0>(E) is a valid expression where the meaning of get is established by performing argument-dependent lookup only ([basic.lookup.argdep]), then first(E) is expression-equivalent to get<0>(E).
  • (55.2) Otherwise, first(E) is ill-formed.

56 The name second denotes a customization point object ([customization.point.object]). Given a subexpression E:

  • (56.1) If E has class or enumeration type and get<1>(E) is a valid expression where the meaning of get is established by performing argument-dependent lookup only ([basic.lookup.argdep]), then second(E) is expression-equivalent to get<1>(E).
  • (56.2) Otherwise, second(E) is ill-formed.

2.6 Feature-Test Macro

Add an entry to 17.3.2 [version.syn] for this

+ #define __cpp_lib_placeholder_operators 2024XXL // freestanding, also in <functional>

3 References

[Boost.Lambda2] Peter Dimov. 2020. Lambda2: A C++14 Lambda Library.
[P0060R0] Mathias Gaunard, Dietmar Kühl. 2015-09-18. Function Object-Based Overloading of Operator Dot.
[P2321R2] Tim Song. 2021-06-11. zip.
[P2760R0] Barry Revzin. 2023-09-17. A Plan for C++26 Ranges.
[P2769R1] Ruslan Arutyunyan, Alexey Kukanov. 2023-05-17. get_element customization point object.