Home Improving Output Iterators

Improving Output Iterators

Let’s say we had a range, represented by a pair of pointers, that we wanted to copy into another pointer. We might write that like so:

template <typename T, typename U>
void copy(T* first, T* last, U* out) {
    for (; first != last; ++first) {
        *out++ = *first;

For trivially copyable types, this could be improved to memcpy, and maybe you might want to partially unroll this loop since we know how many iterations we have to do – but let’s ignore those kinds of details.

We can generalize this to an arbitrary input range and an arbitrary output iterator by simply changing the types:

template <typename InputIt, typename OutputIt>
void copy(InputIt first, InputIt last, OutputIt out) {
    for (; first != last; ++first) {
        *out++ = *first;

This is where the C++ iterator model came from: by generalizing from pointers. Consequently, we end up with the same syntax. We say that out is an output iterator for T if you can do this:

*out++ = t;

The advantage of this approach is that this operation just works if you have a forward iterator with a suitably mutable reference type. int*, list<int>::iterator, etc, are all output iterators. And that is quite a big advantage.

The disadvantage of this approach is what happens when you want to write an output iterator that is not actually an input iterator - one specifically dedicated to being an output iterator. How do you implement such a thing? For input iterators, you already have to write an operator* and an operator++ (and the underlying type probably already has an operator=), but in the output case we don’t actually have three different operations that we’re trying to implement. It’s more like we’re trying to implement an operator*++=. Which, of course, is not a thing.

For an example of what I mean, let’s take a look at std::back_insert_iterator. This is probably the output-only iterator that people are most familiar with. For example:

int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
vector<int> vec;
copy(begin(arr), end(arr), back_inserter(vec));

The goal here is to put all the elements in arr into the end of vec. We can’t just use vec.begin() here - that would be syntactically valid (vector<int>::iterator is a valid output iterator), but vec is empty so we can’t just write five elements into nothing. We need to vec.push_back(i) for each element. And that’s what back_inserter does for us: it constructs an output iterator that invokes push_back.

How do we do that?

Well, we need *out++ = t; to invoke vec.push_back(t). But in order to do that, we need to provide an operator* that returns something whose assignment invokes push_back, and we need an operator++ (both of them) that do… something. Incrementing doesn’t make any sense in this context. Nor does dereference for that matter. So one approach would be:

template <typename C>
class back_inserter {
    C* cont_;

    back_inserter(C& c) : cont_(&c) { }

    // these do nothing
    auto operator*() -> back_inserter& { return *this; }
    auto operator++() -> back_inserter& { return *this; }
    auto operator++(int) -> back_inserter { return *this; }

    // this one does something
    auto operator=(typename C::value_type const& val)
        -> back_inserter&
        return *this;

This… works. We have an output iterator, it solves the problem.

But it’s fairly awkward. There’s boilerplate and then there’s… writing three functions that do literally nothing just to satisfy an API. It feels wrong, like there’s something missing.

Having an awkward API to implement is one thing, but ultimately the problem is actually quite a bit worse than that.

In the example above, I’m not trying to just “output” one element into the std::vector. I’m trying to output a whole range. In fact, this is the best case - I’m trying to output a range whose size I know. But the implementation using my copy algorithm (or std::copy or std::ranges::copy in real life) with back_inserter(vec) is going to push_back one element at a time. Each push_back is going to do a bounds check and potentially reallocate, and there could be multiple such reallocations.

But if we knew specifically that we wanted to append a range to the end of a std::vector, we should do it this way:

vec.insert(vec.end(), begin(arr), end(arr));

This would do a single allocation (if necessary), and then do a bunch of copies which wouldn’t need any bounds checks. That can make it much faster (2.7x in that simple benchmark).

In C++23, with the imminent adoption of P1206R7, the above is even more ergonomic (or, put differently, actually ergonomic):


The problem here isn’t back_inserter. There’s simply no way to write an output iterator to do this operation efficiently, since the API for output iterators can only get one element at a time.

Towards a better Output Iterator API

Fundamentally, there are two operations that want to be able to do:

  • output a single element
  • output a range of elements

Technically the former is just a special case of the latter (a single element is just a range of one, and we even have views::single to make that easy), but I think it’s still reasonable to think of them as separate.

To try to figure out how we might improve, let’s take a look at D. D doesn’t have the concept of iterator, its primitive is a range (you can see a brief overview of the model in my CppNow 2021 talk, although I didn’t talk about output ranges). Since ranges are primitives in D, it’s not surprising that D’s output ranges actually handle ranges well.

In D, the output range primitive is called put and takes a range R and an object E:

void put(R, E) (
  ref R r,
  E e

put(r, e) is defined as the first of many potential candidate expressions that are valid (I’m skipping a few details here that aren’t particularly relevant), which makes it very customizable:

  1. r.put(e)
  2. r.front = e; r.popFront() – this is the D equivalent to C++’s *out++ = e;
  3. r(e)
  4. r.put([e])
  5. r.front = [e]; r.popFront()
  6. r([e])
  7. for (; !e.empty; e.popFront()) put(r, e.front); – this is calling put(r, elem) for each elem in the range e

First, we try three different ways to put e into r. Then, we try three different ways to put [e] (a single-element range) into r (note that these are the same three). Lastly, if e is a range, we try to put each element of e into r.

Note that the last option in put is recursive. The interesting consequence of that is if you write an output range which accepts an int, you can put not just an int into it but also a range of int or a range of range of int or …

Also, because put(r, e) tries to both put e directly and also by wrapping it into a range, you can be an output range of int either by accepting a single int or by accepting a range of int. For example:

void main()
    import std.range.primitives;
    import std.stdio;

    // takes a single int
    static struct A
        void put(int i)

    // takes a range of int
    static struct B
        void put(R)(R r)
            if (isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R == int))

    // both are output ranges of int
    static assert(isOutputRange!(A, int));
    static assert(isOutputRange!(B, int));

    auto a = A();
    put(a, 1);        // prints 1
    put(a, [2]);      // prints 2
    put(a, [[[3]]]);  // prints 3

    auto b = B();
    put(b, 1);        // prints [1]
    put(b, [2]);      // prints [2]
    put(b, [[3]]);    // prints [3]

There are a few very interesting to point out about the approach D takes.

A mutable input range in D can be used as an output range too (these are the 2nd and 5th options above). This is similar to the C++ model.

However, writing an output-only iterator in D is much more straightforward - you only need to write void put(E); rather than having to write operator*, operator++, and operator=. For instance, a back_insert_iterator build on the D model would just look like:

template <class C>
class put_back_inserter {
    C* cont_;
    put_back_inserter(C& c) : cont_(&c) { }

    void put(typename C::value_type const& val) {

That’s quite a bit nicer.

Moreover, we can also resolve the performance issue I mentioned earlier by adding a second overload of put that accepts appropriate ranges:

template <class C>
class put_back_inserter {
    C* cont_;
    put_back_inserter(C& c) : cont_(&c) { }

    void put(typename C::value_type const& val) {

    template <ranges::input_range R>
      requires std::convertible_to<ranges::range_reference_t<R>, typename C::value_type>
    void put(R&& r) {
        // eventually, this would be
        // cont_->append_range(r);

        // but for now, it's an insert() call
        // this isn't quite right because r needs to be common, but
        // good enough for this blog post's purposes
        cont_->insert(cont_->end(), ranges::begin(r), ranges::end(r));

Again, quite nice.

And, on top of that, there’s one more positive aspect worth mentioning here: functions are output iterators too. It’s been brought up often that a sink should be usable as an output iterator. It’s already possible to implement a C++ output iterator that invokes a function when an element is pushed (and this is even easier in D), but this model side-steps that extra wrapping by just letting you just use a function directly.

Also, quite nice.

The downside of the D approach here, especially where C++ is concerned, is the Do-What-I-Mean aspect of it. put(r, e) can both put a single-element or a range. The problem example brought up with algorithms like this is std::any, not because lots and lots of code uses std::any specifically but because its permissive conversions are representative of all manner of implicit conversions (and keep in mind as I’m writing this there is a big discussion on whether or not vector<char> should be convertible to std::string_view – see P2499R0 and P2516).

For a concrete example, let’s say you wrote something like:

// v holds 3 any's, each of which hold an int
std::vector<std::any> v = {1, 2, 3};

// what should this do?
put(out, v);

Even if out is an output range for std::any, this could still do one of two different things:

  • if out provides a void put(std::any), then put(out, v) would put one std::any (that is itself a std::vector<std::any>) into out
  • if out provides a put that accepts a range of std::any (using the same kind of constrained template I showed earlier), then put(out, v) would put three std::any objects (that each hold an int) into out.

And if out provides both? Then the latter approach wins, although you really have to work through the implementation details:

struct Out1 {
    void put(std::any);

    template <ranges::input_range R> requires /* ... */
    void put(R&&)

struct Out2 {
    template <std::convertible_to<std::any> T>
    void put(T&&);

    template <ranges::input_range R> requires /* ... */
    void put(R&&)

With Out1, out.put(v) would prefer the range overload because it doesn’t require a conversion, so we end up putting three std::any objects into out.

With Out2, the call out.put(v) is ambiguous. As is the call to out.put([v]) (or the C++ equivalent of that). So we fall back to treating v as a range and iterating through it, which recurses to out.put(v[0]). Now we no longer have a range, so only the value overload is viable, so we end up putting three std::any objects into out as well.

That’s pretty subtle and more than a bit concerning from a code understandability perspective, I think, which is probably why even though D potentially supports efficient range-based outputting, its own copy algorithm does not do this. Instead, its default case is a loop:

foreach (element; source)
    put(target, element);

Avoiding this potential range-or-value ambiguity is why (in P1206) we’re adding a new insert_range(pos, r) to the containers rather than adding a new overload insert(pos, r) that takes a range.

All in all, several arguably large upsides and one arguably large downside.

Towards a better Output Iterator API… in C++

Let’s start by simply implementing the D model in C++ to get a feel for what it does. This approach – picking the first valid option of several possible ones – lends itself very nicely to a declarative approach.

When I said earlier that D picks the first of seven valid expressions (skipping a few options for simplicity), that wasn’t quite right. D actually groups the two similar sets of three under the name doPut. We can start by doing the same (I’m using Boost.HOF function adaptors in the implementation here):

namespace hof = boost::hof;
namespace ranges = std::ranges;

#define FWD(x) static_cast<decltype(x)&&>(x)
#define RETURNS(expr) -> decltype(expr) { return expr; }

inline constexpr auto do_put = hof::first_of(
    [](auto&& out, auto&& e) RETURNS(void(out.put(FWD(e)))),
    [](auto&& out, auto&& e) RETURNS(void(*out++ = FWD(e))),
    [](auto&& out, auto&& e) RETURNS(void(std::invoke(out, FWD(e))))

This covers the first three options (if we just pass e) and also the next three options (if we pass [e]). The last case is tricky because we need to be recursive, which requires using hof::fix:

inline constexpr auto put = hof::fix(hof::first_of(
    [](auto&&, auto&& out, auto&& e)
        RETURNS(do_put(out, FWD(e))),
    [](auto&&, auto&& out, auto&& e)
        RETURNS(do_put(out, ranges::subrange(&e, &e+1))),
    []<ranges::range E>(auto&& put, auto&& out, E&& e)
        requires requires (ranges::iterator_t<E> it) {
            put(out, *it);
        auto first = ranges::begin(e);
        auto last = ranges::end(e);
        for (; first != last; ++first) {
            put(out, *first);

And that completes the implementation.

The way I’m doing [e] is subrange(&e, &e+1). That’s kind of like views::single(e), except avoiding copying e. Ideally, we also preserve its value category (as is, this is always a range consisting of one lvalue), but I didn’t want to muddy this post with those details.

I like this approach more than the typical approach of just writing a function object type with a single properly-constrained operator(), which might seem like it’d be a better idea here especially due to recursion… simply because with so many options the constraint that you have to provide is obnoxious. For completeness though, an alternative implementation for put (still based on do_put) is:

struct put_fn {
    template <class R, class E>
        requires invocable<decltype(do_put), R, E>
              or invocable<decltype(do_put), R, ranges::subrange<E*>>
              or ranges::range<E and invocable<put_fn, R, ranges::range_reference_t<E>>
    constexpr auto operator()(R&& out, E&& e) const {
        if constexpr (invocable<decltype(do_put), R, E>) {
            return do_put(FWD(out), FWD(e));
        } else if constexpr (invocable<decltype(do_put), R, ranges::subrange<E*>>) {
            return do_put(FWD(out), ranges::subrange(&e, &e + 1));
        } else {
            auto first = ranges::begin(e);
            auto last = ranges::end(e);
            for (; first != last; ++first) {
                (*this)(out, *first);
inline constexpr put_fn put;

See what I mean? It’s better, in the sense that it’s quite clear that this is a binary callable, which is far less obvious when you’re grouping multiple lambdas together – especially when you have to use a fixed-point combinator to achieve recursion and thus all your lambdas look like they’re ternary.

But, oof… that constraint…

You can see both implementations here, with a new version of back_inserter that uses the new model.

Towards a better Output Iterator API in C++, take 2

The above helps set the stage for what might be possible, but it certainly wouldn’t work for C++ as-is due to the issue I brought up earlier. We don’t want the same name to do both single-element and range-based outputting, that’s just way too much do-what-I-mean for a language with so many implicit conversions.

But that’s fairly easily addressable by simply providing the two different pieces of functionality under two different names.

For instance, we could have a ranges::put(out, e) which picks the first valid expression out of:

  1. out.put(e);
  2. *out++ = e;
  3. out(e);

And then we could have a ranges::put_range(out, r) which picks the first valid expression out of:

  1. out.put_range(r);
  2. ranges::for_each(r, bind_front(ranges::put, out));

I’m deliberately omitting the option where, in D, put(out, e) can try to do something like out.put([e]). I don’t think that adds much value, and this provides a pretty good layering.

Both customization point objects would still work with C++20 output iterators with the same semantics they have today, which is important.

This approach, I think, has clear value:

  • it’s much easier and more straightforward to implement an output iterator that isn’t an input iterator: you provide a put (or also a put_range).
  • output iterators become more flexible, since you can also provide a sink
  • outputting a whole range can potentially be more efficient, since you’re giving the function more information

It’s worth noting that while we have nothing like ranges::put today, we do already have an algorithm like ranges::put_range: it’s called copy. That’s a fairly commonly used algorithm, and allowing it to be customized like this could lead to better performance.

Sure seems like it’d be worthwhile to me.

Formatting and Quality of Implementation

Now that I’ve written all of that, it’s probably about time I bring up the motivation for this post: formatting.

In the {fmt} library and std::format, formatting is based on using output iterators. You get a context object and context.out() is some output iterator you can use to format your type. A lot of the time, you can just format_to() and won’t do any direct outputting yourself… but when you do use the output iterator, you’ll likely alternate needing to put chars and std::string_views.

The former is fine, but the latter brings up a problem. How do you write a std::string_view into an output iterator? This is the same issue we saw with back_inserter earlier. Your only options are:

out = std::copy(sv.begin(), sv.end(), out);
out = std::ranges::copy(sv, out).out;

But that can be inefficient. Which is why this isn’t actually what {fmt} does in its own implementation.

Instead, it has a algorithm called copy_str. Its default implementation is pretty familiar:

template <typename Char, typename InputIt, typename OutputIt>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto copy_str(InputIt begin, InputIt end, OutputIt out)
    -> OutputIt {
  while (begin != end) *out++ = static_cast<Char>(*begin++);
  return out;

But there’s this other important overload too:

template <typename Char, typename InputIt>
auto copy_str(InputIt begin, InputIt end, appender out) -> appender {
  get_container(out).append(begin, end);
  return out;

For most of the operations in {fmt}, the implementation-defined type-erased iterator is appender, so this would be the overload used. And appender is a back_insert_iterator into a buffer<char>, which is a growable buffer (not unlike vector<char>) which has a dedicated append for this case:

template <typename T>
template <typename U>
void buffer<T>::append(const U* begin, const U* end) {
  while (begin != end) {
    auto count = to_unsigned(end - begin);
    try_reserve(size_ + count);
    auto free_cap = capacity_ - size_;
    if (free_cap < count) count = free_cap;
    std::uninitialized_copy_n(begin, count, make_checked(ptr_ + size_, count));
    size_ += count;
    begin += count;

So here, we know that std::copy would be inefficient, so the library provides (and internally uses) a way to special case that algorithm for its particular output iterator.

Users could, technically, use this same algorithm for their own specializations of formatter<T>, although I should note that this algorithm is fmt::detail::copy_str<char>, which doesn’t really suggest that it’s particularly user-facing.

This begs the question of what the implementations of std::format will do. Will they just use std::copy? Implementations could special case their own iterators, that falls under the umbrella Quality of Implementation (QoI) issues, since they know what their own iterator is.

But while implementations could special-case the specific iterator they choose for std::format (since there’s really only two: one for char and one for wchar_t), they can’t really even special case the general case of std::back_inserter<std::vector<T>> – since users are allowed to specialize std::vector<T>.

And even relying on this kind of implementation strategy strikes me as a bit much. There are other use-cases for efficient range copy that aren’t just in {fmt} or std::format (which is part of why Victor rejected my pull request to add a dedicated API for this to the format context - we don’t need to have multiple different copy algorithms - one in general and one specifically for formatting), so something like the approach I’m outlining here seems worthwhile to pursue anyway.

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