Home What's so hard about views::enumerate?

What's so hard about views::enumerate?

Sometimes, we want more than to just iterate over all the elements of a range. We also want the index of each element. If we had something like a vector<T>, then a simple for loop suffices 1:

for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
    // use i or vec[i]

But for a range that can’t be indexed like this (or a range for which indexing like this means something else entirely, like map<int, T>), we need to do it differently.

You could write:

int index = 0;
for (auto&& elem : r) {
    // use index or elem

But that’s a bit fragile, since if you added a continue, now suddenly your index is wrong. This would be better:

int index = 0;
for (auto&& elem : r) {
    SCOPE_EXIT { ++index; };
    // use index or elem

But that’s an awkward construction. And it’s also limited to imperative uses like this - if you wanted to do further work on this new range with the indices, you’d need something more.

To do that, we have the algorithm views::enumerate (other names for this algorithm include zip_with_index, with_index, and indexed). That allows:

for (auto&& [index, elem] : views::enumerate(r)) {
    // ...

Which would be correct by construction, just yields the right indices on demand, and can be passed through to further algorithms.

So what’s so hard about views::enumerate?

Only two things:

  1. Is enumerate just a zip?
  2. What should its reference type be?

We have zip and iota, do we need enumerate?

I’ll start with the easier question. We can already (in C++23) write zip(iota(0), r), do we really need enumerate(r)? That is:

inline constexpr auto enumerate =
    [](viewable_range auto&& r){
        return zip(iota(0), FWD(r));

This would allow enumerate(r) but not r | enumerate. But we can change that too, thanks to C++23’s P2387. Fully qualifying everything, for clarity:

struct Enumerate
    : std::ranges::range_adaptor_closure<Enumerate>
    template <std::ranges::viewable_range R>
    constexpr auto operator()(R&& r) const {
        return std::views::zip(std::views::iota(0), (R&&)r);

inline constexpr Enumerate enumerate;

That’s not so bad, and it does give you the right values if you iterate sequentially. But it is missing some useful functionality.


auto e = enumerate(letters);
auto z = e.back();

It would make sense for this to work and be cheap: letters is a random-access, sized range. We know it has size 26 2 and we can efficiently get the last element, so we should be able to get (25, 'Z') as the value for z too.

And it sure seems like the above implementation should give it to us. But it doesn’t. To explain why, we need a quick digression on cardinality.

In C++20, ranges are either sized or not. If a range can provide its size in constant time, it’s a sized range. Otherwise, it’s not. This size must be finite - C++20 doesn’t really have a notion of infinite ranges. They exist, and the standard library even provides std::unreachable_sentinel (which, as the name suggests, is in fact unreachable). But the library has no means to take advantage of this information.

range-v3 had a more complex notion of range sizing that it called cardinality. A range has a cardinality that is either a non-negative constant (e.g. array<int, 3> has a cardinality of 3 and views::empty<int> has a cardinality of 0, this is for types whose size is fixed), finite (this is a range whose size is known to not be infinite, but may not be sized), unknown (shrug), or infinite. So views::iota(0, 10) has a cardinality of finite (and a size of 10) while views::iota(0) has a cardinality of infinite. Note that finite does not imply sized: r | views::take(5) has cardinality finite (we know for sure that this range isn’t infinite), but if r isn’t a sized range, then that’s all we can say about it. An example of a range with unknown cardinality is r | views::take_while(f). If r is finite, then this is certainly finite too. But if r is infinite, the result could still actually be finite. We just don’t know.

With range-v3, because we know that views::iota(0) is infinite, we could still consider views::zip(views::iota(0), letters) to be a sized range of size 26 3, and we could know that we can safely add 25 to the views::iota(0).begin(). Our implementation of enumerate(letters) is a sized range, which would allow z.back() to work.

Or at least, this should be the case. range-v3’s implementation of zip does provide the correct cardinality (finite) but still isn’t sized 4. The current implementation is only sized when all of the underlying ranges are:

// with range-v3
namespace rv = ranges::views;
auto e = rv::zip(rv::iota(0), letters);
using E = decltype(e);

// passes, as expected
static_assert(ranges::range_cardinality<E>::value == ranges::cardinality::finite);

// fails, unfortunately

But in C++20 ranges, we don’t know that views::iota(0) is infinite 5, so we don’t know that views::zip(views::iota(0), letters) has size 26. For all we know, views::iota(0) could run out of elements at any time. As a result, this range is random-access but it is not sized, so z.back() doesn’t exist.

So we need to do a little more work - we need to ensure that enumerate-ing a sized range gives us a sized range back:

struct Enumerate
    : std::ranges::range_adaptor_closure<Enumerate>
    template <std::ranges::viewable_range R>
    constexpr auto operator()(R&& r) const {
        if constexpr (std::ranges::sized_range<R>) {
            auto d = std::ranges::distance(r);
            return std::views::zip(std::views::iota(0, d), (R&&)r);
        } else {
            return std::views::zip(std::views::iota(0), (R&&)r);

inline constexpr Enumerate enumerate;

We can’t just do zip(iota(0, distance(r)), (R&&)r) because we need to ensure we get the range’s size before the range is moved from (if the second argument happens to be evaluated first).

With the above extension, z.back() will now work. It took a bit of a journey to get here, but that’s still just 15 lines of not-exactly-dense code. Good eonugh?

Now there’s one more thing. I didn’t really want to talk about integer types 1. And I still don’t. I especially don’t want to talk about integer signed-ness. But I do need to talk about integer width.

This is covered in P2214, but the problem with using views::iota for enumerate’s first range is determining what iota’s difference_type needs to be. The problem here, in short, is that iota needs to pick a difference_type wide enough to actually compute the difference between its elements. For iota_view<int, int>, that difference_type cannot be int - since we cannot know if that’s wide enough. So it’s actually int64_t. But then what’s iota_view<int64_t, int64_t>’s difference type? Well, we have __int128. But at some point we can’t keep going one integer wider.

But for enumerate(r), specifically, we don’t have to worry about trying to pick the right difference_type since we know r’s difference_type is already wide enough (or, at least, it has to be - and if it’s not, that’s r’s problem, not enumerate’s).

The issue with using views::iota here is ultimately that we will get a difference_type that’s too big. If what we’re views::enumerate-ing is a std::vector<T>, for instance, and we use views::iota, then we’ll get a difference_type of __int128. But we don’t need an integer that wide - size_t suffices (or ptrdiff_t, if we wanted to be signed). What this means in practice is that algorithms that use the range’s difference_type to do math (the simplest example might be ranges::count and ranges::count_if, but they’re hardly the only ones) are going to be, potentially, less efficient than ideal.

That’s probably still good enough for most cases, and it’s at least correct, but if we’re talking about the standard library, it’d be good to ensure that we get this correct. Whether that’s writing a special-case version of views::iota where we tell it what its difference_type should be and zip with that (which is what range-v3 does) or write a dedicated enumerate_view.

What should enumerate’s reference type be?

Before really diving into this question, I need to do somewhat of a long digression with some background. If you don’t care, you can skip to here.


The most important associated type of a range is its reference 6. That’s the type you get when you dereference the iterator, so it’s what you interact with directly. Most algorithms only need to interact with this type.

The next most important associated type of a range is its value_type. This is supposed to be an independent value semantic type. Most people think of this as being just std::remove_cvref_t<reference>. And, indeed, that is nearly always the case. The overwhelmingly most common range types fit into one of these three rows:

range typereferencevalue_type
vector<int> constint const&int
ranges::iota_view<int, int>intint

One example of an algorithm that actually uses value_type would be min, which might be implemented like so:

template <ranges::input_range R,
          indirect_strict_weak_order<iterator_t<R>> Comp>
constexpr auto min(R&& r, Comp comp) -> ranges::range_value_t<R> {
    auto f = ranges::begin(r);
    auto l = ranges::end(r);

    ranges::range_value_t<R> best = *f;
    for (++f; f != l; ++f {
        if (comp(*f, best)) {
            best = *f;
    return best;

Consider what the call to comp is actually doing. It takes two parameters: *f is the range’s reference type while best is an lvalue of the range’s value_type. So what does comp have to look like?

Or, to put the question more precisely, if I were to try to write a non-generic predicate, what type should it take for both parameters? That is, how do I determine what U is here:

using U = /* ??? */;
auto best = ranges::min(r, [](U lhs, U rhs) { return /* ... */ });

U here is the range’s common reference type 7. It’s the one type that you use if you want a non-generic callable. And, in the above table, determining the common reference bewteen the reference and value_type& (note the &) is very straightforward - it’s just the reference type.

But what happens when we introduce proxy references?

vector<int> constint const&int&int const&
ranges::iota_view<int, int>intint&int

This is where things get tricky.

We need a type that is convertible from reference and value_type&. For vector<bool>, that ends up being bool bool (notably, we took a proxy reference and an lvalue language reference and ended up with something with no reference semantics). For zip_view<vector<int>>, this is tuple<int&> (which wasn’t actually constructible from tuple<int>& before, but will be in C++23).


It’s okay if you didn’t understand that. The point is that a range needs to have a reference and value_type, and that there needs to be some type (not necessarily distinct from those) called the common_reference which is convertible from reference and value_type& that is preferably as reference-like as possible.

Now, let’s talk about what the reference type for enumerate be. There are basically two options (and I’m back to just using int for the index type):

// a struct with named members
struct reference {
    int index;
    ranges::range_reference_t<R> value;

// a tuple
using reference = tuple<int, ranges::range_reference_t<R>>;

If we just used zip (with the custom version of views::iota as described above), we’d end up with the tuple. But if we’re going to write a dedicated views::enumerate adaptor, we could have a dedicated reference type.

Which is better?

Now, a struct with named members should really be the default choice over std::pair or std::tuple, because having meaningful names is a lot better than… not having meaningful names. So why would we even consider the std::tuple option?

First, let’s also fill in the value_type:

// struct with named members
struct value_type {
    int index;
    ranges::range_value_t<R> value;

// a tuple
using value_type = tuple<int, ranges::range_value_t<R>>;

Now, let’s consider what properties these types need to have.

reference and value_type need to be appropriately convertible between each other and have a corresponding common_reference. That’s… doable. Let’s start implementing this:

template <typename T>
struct enumerate_result {
    int index;
    T value;

    // regular constructor, since this can't be an aggregate
    template <convertible_to<T> U>
    enumerate_result(int index, U&& value)
        : index(index)
        , value(FWD(value))
    { }

    // converting constructors (these should all be conditionally explicit)
    template <typename U>
        requires constructible_from<T, U&>
    enumerate_result(enumerate_result<U>& r);
    template <typename U>
        requires constructible_from<T, U const&>
    enumerate_result(enumerate_result<U> const& r);
    template <typename U>
        requires constructible_from<T, U&&>
    enumerate_result(enumerate_result<U>&& r);
    template <typename U>
        requires constructible_from<T, U const&&>
    enumerate_result(enumerate_result<U> const&& r);

Yet another nice use-case for something in P2481.

That gets us the conversion behavior we need, but we also need to provide a specialization of std::basic_common_reference 7, because otherwise we have the issue that the common_reference of enumerate_result<int>& and enumerate_result<int&> is enumerate_result<int>, when it should be enumerate_result<int&>.

Also doable. We may want to consider adding comparisons too. Perhaps conversions to std::pair<int, U> and std::tuple<int, U> too? Those would surely be useful in some contexts. Should std::apply work for this type?

At this point we’ve mostly re-implemented std::pair<T, U>, just with different field names. Which is pretty tedious specification and implementation, but all of these things exist for a reason to solve a particular problem. This isn’t a question of how hard is it to write a type with two members - it’s a question of how hard it is to write a small family of types that are properly inter-convertible (reference, value_type, common_reference, const_reference, and rvalue_reference).

But going through that effort actually still isn’t quite sufficient. Consider:

std::string letters = /* ... */;

auto m = letters
       | std::views::enumerate
       | std::ranges::to<std::map>();

That’s a reasonable thing to want to write, to get: to enumerate a range and then put it into some kind of associative container (this specific example, maybe not so much, since letters is already indexable even more efficiently than a std::map is, but imagine a more complex transformation in here somewhere, plus maybe some filtering).

In order for this to work with std::map, views::enumerate had to (until recently) be specifically a range whose value_type was std::pair<T, U>. Now it can also be a range of std::tuple<T, U> (P2165). But while the standard library containers have become more flexible (and could be extended further to support enumerate_result<T>), user-defined associative containers have not.


Thus, the question is not simply: should enumerate provide a range whose reference and value_type have named members, or should these types be specializations of std::tuple?

The question really is: is it worth the added complexity of adding another std::pair to the standard library and modifying all the associative containers to handle it, knowing that other associative containers (like abseil’s and Boost’s) would not?

I really don’t think the names are worth it. Part of the reason I don’t think the names are worth it is the cost of specifying all of this stuff just for views::enumerate. It’s a very useful range adaptor, but it’s not that useful. Using a std::tuple at this point is, basically free.

But part of the reason is also that the names, in this particular context, really aren’t even all that that valuable. If I’m enumerating a range and directly consuming it, I’m always going to write this:

for (auto&& [index, elem] : views::enumerate(r)) {
    // ...

And while I can’t use structured bindings directly in a lambda for transform or a filter, I think the better answer there is actually to just change the language so that I can actually use structured bindings in a function parameter list.

Sure, there’s a chance that I might get the order wrong. If the underlying range’s reference type isn’t numeric, then whatever I’m doing probably won’t compile. But in the case where the two types are possible to interchangeable, this could very well lead to a subtle runtime bug.

But this is the same order that Python uses. And Rust. And D. And it’s really the obvious choice for ordering, if you think about views::enumerate as producing a numbered list: the number goes first. It’s not the universal ordering though, unfortunately (Kotlin, Clojure, Swift, and Go all put the index first, but JavaScript, Scala, C#, and Ruby put the index second, for instance). But I find it notable that many of these languages do not have the complex type requires that C++ Ranges do, yet still just use a tuple (D and Kotlin at least have a named tuple).

Given a choice between std::tuple and a struct with named members, you should prefer the struct with named members - unless there’s a fairly compelling reason otherwise. That is the right default. In this particular case, the names have far less value than they might in other contexts and also the cost for providing them is quite high. So in this particular case, I believe the right answer for views::enumerate is to have its reference and value_type be std::tuples.

Bonus Problem: Structured Bindings Strike Again

I said there were only two problems, but this one isn’t really specific to views::enumerate in any way, but it will certainly come up.


std::vector<std::string> names = {"fiona", "eleanor"};

for (auto [index1, name1] : views::enumerate(names)) {
    // #1

for (auto const& [index2, name2] : views::enumerate(names)) {
    // #2

What is the type of name1 and what is the type of name2? The answer to this question is actually independent from the answers to either the zip or reference questions.

The “obvious” answer is that name1 is a string (because auto) and name2 is a string const& (because auto const&). That’s certainly what it looks like in these loops! The spelling of bindings does suggest that the introducer distributes over the bindings. That is, auto [a, b] looks like it behaves like [auto a, auto b] and auto const& [c, d] looks like it behaves like [auto const& c, auto const& d]. Indeed, the visual of distribution is so striking that Pattern Matching is running with the idea with how they’re suggesting introducing bindings, where let [x, y] does very much mean [let x, let y].

But that’s not how structured bindings work. Let’s just focus on the first element of the enumeration, stick with named members, and desugar the structured binding declarations:

struct enumerate_result {
    int index;
    std::string& value;

std::vector<std::string> names = {"fiona", "eleanor"};

auto __t1 = enumerate_result{.index=0, .value=names[0]};
auto& index1 = __t1.index;
auto& name1 = __t1.value;

auto const& __t2 = enumerate_result{.index=0, .value=names[0]};
auto& index2 = __t2.index;
auto& name2 = __t2.value;

The auto and auto const& only apply to the declaration of this invisible object (which I’ve named __t1 and __t2). All the bindings themselves are basically auto& (the wording here is slightly more complicated, but for our purposes here, is sufficiently accurate).

If you work through what this actually manes, both name1 and name2 are std::string&. Both are mutable, lvalue references to std::string. Both are aliases for names[0]. Even though name1 looks like it was declared with auto, it’s a reference. Even though name2 looks like it was declared with auto const&, it’s a mutable reference.

This is surprising and unlikely to be the desired behavior. It bears repeating, though, that this isn’t a views::enumerate problem or even a views::zip problem. It’s really a structured bindings problem.

Is this fixable?

I’m not really sure. Having name2 be mutable instead of const probably isn’t a huge problem - if you expected it to be const, you’re probably also not trying to mutate it, so you’re fine. Having name1 be a reference instead of a copy is something that assuredly some code relies on (both performance-wise not actually making that copy and also semantically relying on name1 being a reference to within names) while also is likely to have lead to bugs (e.g. if the loop mutates name1 for convenience thinking the loop owns its own string).

Just something to think about.

  1. In this blog, I’m just going to use int as the index type for all ranges. This isn’t the correct type - the index type should be a property of the range (specifically either range_size_t<R> or range_difference_t<R> depending on your approach to signed-ness). But integer types isn’t the point of this blog post, so I’m just using int for simplicity.  2

  2. Assuming I typed the alphabet correctly. I did not check. 

  3. The merged cardinality of a finite and infinite range is a finite range. We know the size is 26 because the minimum size of 26 and infinity is 26, except for very small values of infinity. 

  4. This is certainly implementable. The constraint right now is that all the underlying ranges satisfy sized_range. But we can filter down to just the non-infinite ranges: if all the non-infinite ranges satisfy sized_range, then the size is the minimum of all the sizes of the finite ranges. PRs welcome! 

  5. Eric Niebler and Casey Carter were never quite happy with the range-v3 model of cardinality, so as far as I’m aware it was never actually pursued for standardization. We could potentially introduce infinite ranges as simply those ranges whose sentinel is std::unreachable_sentinel_t - but it would take a lot of work to carefully work through the consequences. 

  6. This really is an unfortunate name in retrospect. A range’s reference type need not actually be any kind of reference (neither language reference nor proxy reference nor even a type with any kind of reference or pointer semantics at all). A range’s reference type could be int (e.g. views::iota(0, 10) is such a range). I wish in retrospect that it was element or item

  7. common_reference_t is the most complex type trait in the standard library by a mile. Outside of trivial cases, nobody can actually tell you what the common reference of two types is. Eric Niebler wrote a long series of blog posts in 2015 building up the motivation for this, which you can find in 0 1 2 3 2

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